Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /var/www/html/ on line 757
Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /var/www/html/ on line 757
Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /var/www/html/ on line 758
Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /var/www/html/ on line 758
ersistence_layer( $css ) {
$filename = $this->persistance_context->write_data_to_persistence( $css );
isset( $filename['file'] ) ? $filename['file'] : false,
$this->save_less_parse_time( $filename['url'] );
* Get the url to retrieve the css
* @return string
public function get_css_url() {
// get what's saved. I t could be false, a int or a string.
// if it's false or a int, use PHP to render CSS
$saved_par = $this->db_adapter->get( self::QUERY_STRING_PARAM );
// if it's empty it's a new install probably. Return static css.
// if it's numeric, just consider it a new install
if ( empty( $saved_par ) ) {
$theme = $this->_registry->get(
)->get( 'ai1ec_current_theme' );
return Ai1ec_Http_Response_Helper::remove_protocols(
$theme['theme_url'] . '/css/ai1ec_parsed_css.css'
if ( is_numeric( $saved_par ) ) {
if ( $this->_registry->get( 'model.settings' )->get( 'render_css_as_link' ) ) {
$time = (int) $saved_par;
$template_helper = $this->_registry->get( '' );
return Ai1ec_Http_Response_Helper::remove_protocols(
array( self::QUERY_STRING_PARAM => $time, ),
trailingslashit( ai1ec_get_site_url() )
} else {
add_action( 'wp_head', array( $this, 'echo_css' ) );
return '';
// otherwise return the string
return Ai1ec_Http_Response_Helper::remove_protocols(
* Create the link that will be added to the frontend
public function add_link_to_html_for_frontend() {
$url = $this->get_css_url();
if ( '' !== $url && ! is_admin() ) {
wp_enqueue_style( 'ai1ec_style', $url, array(), AI1EC_VERSION );
public function echo_css() {
echo '';
* Invalidate the persistence layer only after a successful compile of the
* LESS files.
* @param array $variables LESS variable array to use
* @param boolean $update_persistence Whether the persist successful compile
* @return boolean Whether successful
public function invalidate_cache(
array $variables = null,
$update_persistence = false
) {
if ( ! $this->lessphp_controller->is_compilation_needed( $variables ) ) {
)->delete( 'ai1ec_render_css' );
return true;
$notification = $this->_registry->get( 'notification.admin' );
if (
! $this->_registry->get(
)->check_available_memory( AI1EC_LESS_MIN_AVAIL_MEMORY )
) {
$message = sprintf(
'CSS compilation failed because you don\'t have enough free memory (a minimum of %s is needed). Your calendar will not render or function properly without CSS. Please read this article to learn how to increase your PHP memory limit.'
array( Ai1ec_Notification_Admin::RCPT_ADMIN ),
try {
// Try to parse the css
$css = $this->lessphp_controller->parse_less_files( $variables );
// Reset the parse time to force a browser reload of the CSS, whether we are
// updating persistence or not. Do it here to be sure files compile ok.
if ( $update_persistence ) {
$this->update_persistence_layer( $css );
} else {
} catch ( Ai1ec_Cache_Write_Exception $e ) {
// This means successful during parsing but problems persisting the CSS.
$message = '' . Ai1ec_I18n::__( "The LESS file compiled correctly but there was an error while saving the generated CSS to persistence." ) . '
$notification->store( $message, 'error' );
return false;
} catch ( Exception $e ) {
// An error from lessphp.
$message = sprintf(
Ai1ec_I18n::__( 'There was an error while compiling CSS. The message returned was: %s
' ),
$notification->store( $message, 'error', 1 );
return false;
return true;
* Update the less variables on the DB and recompile the CSS
* @param array $variables
* @param boolean $resetting are we resetting or updating variables?
public function update_variables_and_compile_css( array $variables, $resetting ) {
$no_parse_errors = $this->invalidate_cache( $variables, true );
$notification = $this->_registry->get( 'notification.admin' );
if ( $no_parse_errors ) {
if ( true === $resetting ) {
$message = sprintf(
'' . Ai1ec_I18n::__(
"Theme options were successfully reset to their default values. Visit site"
) . '
} else {
$message = sprintf(
'' .Ai1ec_I18n::__(
"Theme options were updated successfully. Visit site"
) . '
$notification->store( $message );
* Try to get the CSS from cache.
* If it's not there re-generate it and save it to cache
* If we are in preview mode, recompile the css using the theme present in the url.
public function get_compiled_css() {
try {
// If we want to force a recompile, we throw an exception.
if( self::PARSE_LESS_FILES_AT_EVERY_REQUEST === true ) {
throw new Ai1ec_Cache_Not_Set_Exception();
}else {
// This throws an exception if the key is not set
$css = $this->persistance_context->get_data_from_persistence();
return $css;
} catch ( Ai1ec_Cache_Not_Set_Exception $e ) {
$css = $this->lessphp_controller->parse_less_files();
try {
$this->update_persistence_layer( $css );
return $css;
} catch ( Ai1ec_Cache_Write_Exception $e ) {
$this->_registry->get( 'notification.admin' )
'Your CSS is being compiled on every request, which causes your calendar to perform slowly. The following error occurred: %s',
array( Ai1ec_Notification_Admin::RCPT_ADMIN ),
// If something is really broken, still return the css.
// This means we parse it every time. This should never happen.
return $css;
* Save the path to the CSS file or false to load standard CSS
private function save_less_parse_time( $data = false ) {
$to_save = is_string( $data ) ?
$data :
$this->_registry->get( 'date.system' )->current_time();