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endar' => __( 'Add to Calendar', AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME ), 'subscribe_buttons_text' => $this->_registry ->get( 'view.calendar.subscribe-button' ) ->get_labels(), 'text_get_calendar' => Ai1ec_I18n::__( 'Get a Timely Calendar' ), 'text_when' => __( 'When:', AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME ), 'text_where' => __( 'Where:', AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME ), 'text_cost' => __( 'Cost:', AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME ), 'text_contact' => __( 'Contact:', AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME ), 'text_tickets' => __( 'Tickets:', AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME ), 'text_free' => __( 'Free', AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME ), 'text_categories' => __( 'Categories', AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME ), 'text_tags' => __( 'Tags', AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME ), 'buy_tickets_text' => __( 'Buy Tickets', AI1EC_PLUGIN_NAME ), 'timezone_info' => $timezone_info, 'banner_image' => $banner_image, 'content_img_url' => $event->get_runtime( 'content_img_url' ), 'post_id' => $event->get( 'post_id' ), 'ticket_url' => $event->get( 'ticket_url' ), 'tickets_url_label' => $event->get_runtime( 'tickets_url_label' ), 'start' => $event->get( 'start' ), 'end' => $event->get( 'end' ), 'cost' => $event->get( 'cost' ), 'instance_id' => $event->get( 'instance_id' ), ); if ( ! empty( $args['recurrence'] ) && $event->get( 'instance_id' ) && current_user_can( 'edit_ai1ec_events' ) ) { $args['edit_instance_url'] = ai1ec_admin_url( 'post.php?post=' . $event->get( 'post_id' ) . '&action=edit&instance=' . $event->get( 'instance_id' ) ); $args['edit_instance_text'] = sprintf( Ai1ec_I18n::__( 'Edit this occurrence (%s)' ), $event->get( 'start' )->format_i18n( 'M j' ) ); } $loader = $this->_registry->get( 'theme.loader' ); $api = $this->_registry->get( 'model.api.api-ticketing' ); if ( false === ai1ec_is_blank( $event->get( 'ical_feed_url' ) ) ) { $ticket_url = $api->get_api_event_buy_ticket_url( $event->get( 'post_id' ) ); if ( ! empty ( $ticket_url ) ) { $args['ticket_url'] = $ticket_url; } } else { $api_event_id = $api->get_api_event_id( $event->get( 'post_id' ) ); if ( $api_event_id ) { $api = $this->_registry->get( 'model.api.api-ticketing' ); $ticket_types = json_decode( $api->get_ticket_types( $event->get( 'post_id' ), false ) ); $args['has_tickets'] = true; $args['API_URL'] = AI1EC_API_URL; $args['tickets_block'] = $loader->get_file( 'tickets.twig', array( 'tickets_checkout_url' => $api->get_api_event_buy_ticket_url( $event->get( 'post_id' ) ), 'tickets' => $ticket_types->data, 'text_tickets' => $args['text_tickets'], 'buy_tickets_text' => $args['buy_tickets_text'], 'api_event_id' => $api_event_id ), false )->get_content(); } } return $loader->get_file( 'event-single.twig', $args, false ) ->get_content(); } /** * Add meta OG tags to the event details page */ public function add_meta_tags() { // Add tags only on Event Details page $aco = $this->_registry->get( '' ); if ( ! $aco->is_our_post_type() ) return; // Get Event and process description $instance_id = ( isset( $_GET[ 'instance_id' ] ) ) ? $_GET[ 'instance_id' ] : null; if ( !is_null( $instance_id ) ) { $instance_id = preg_replace( '/\D/', '', $instance_id ); } $event = $this->_registry->get( 'model.event', get_the_ID(), $instance_id ); $avatar = $this->_registry->get( 'view.event.avatar' ); $content = $this->_registry->get( 'view.event.content' ); $desc = $event->get( 'post' )->post_content; $desc = apply_filters( 'the_excerpt', $desc ); $desc = strip_shortcodes( $desc ); $desc = str_replace( ']]>', ']]>', $desc ); $desc = strip_tags( $desc ); $desc = preg_replace( '/\n+/', ' ', $desc); $desc = substr( $desc, 0, 300 ); // Get featured image $image = $avatar->get_post_thumbnail_url( $event ); if ( ! $image ) { $image = $content->get_content_img_url( $event ); } $og = array( 'url' => home_url( esc_url( add_query_arg( null, null ) ) ), 'title' => htmlspecialchars( $event->get( 'post' )->post_title . ' (' . substr( $event->get( 'start' ) , 0, 10 ) . ')' ), 'type' => 'article', 'description' => htmlspecialchars( $desc ), 'image' => $image, ); foreach ( $og as $key => $val ) { echo "\n"; } // Twitter meta tags $twitter = array( 'card' => 'summary', 'title' => htmlspecialchars( $event->get( 'post' )->post_title . ' (' . substr( $event->get( 'start' ) , 0, 10 ) . ')' ), 'description' => htmlspecialchars( $desc ), 'image' => $image, ); foreach ( $twitter as $key => $val ) { if ( empty( $val ) && 'image' !== $key ) { $val = Ai1ec_I18n::__( 'No data' ); } echo "\n"; } } /** * @param Ai1ec_Event $event * * @return The html of the footer */ public function get_footer( Ai1ec_Event $event ) { $text_calendar_feed = null; $feed_url = trim( strtolower( $event->get( 'ical_feed_url' ) ) ); if ( strpos( $feed_url, 'http' ) === 0 ) { $text_calendar_feed = Ai1ec_I18n::__( 'This post was replicated from another site\'s calendar feed.' ); } else { $text_calendar_feed = Ai1ec_I18n::__( 'This post was imported from a CSV/ICS file.' ); } $loader = $this->_registry->get( 'theme.loader' ); $text_calendar_feed = sprintf( $text_calendar_feed, esc_attr( str_replace( 'http://', 'webcal://', $event->get( 'ical_feed_url' ) ) ) ); $args = array( 'event' => $event, 'text_calendar_feed' => $text_calendar_feed, 'text_view_post' => Ai1ec_I18n::__( 'View original' ), ); return $loader->get_file( 'event-single-footer.twig', $args, false ) ->get_content(); } /** * Render the full article for the event – title, content, and footer. * * @param Ai1ec_Event $event * @param string $footer Footer HTML to append to event */ public function get_full_article( Ai1ec_Event $event, $footer = '' ) { $title = apply_filters( 'the_title', $event->get( 'post' )->post_title, $event->get( 'post_id' ) ); $event_details = $this->get_content( $event ); $content = wpautop( apply_filters( 'ai1ec_the_content', apply_filters( 'the_content', $event->get( 'post' )->post_content ) ) ); $args = compact( 'title', 'event_details', 'content', 'footer' ); $loader = $this->_registry->get( 'theme.loader' ); return $loader->get_file( 'event-single-full.twig', $args, false ) ->get_content(); } }