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* * @return array Modified schedules map */ public function cron_schedules( array $wp_map ) { $freqs = $this->_get_freqs_list(); foreach ( $freqs as $entry ) { $wp_map[$entry['hash']] = array( 'interval' => $entry['seconds'], 'display' => $entry['name'], ); } return $wp_map; } /** * Get named scheduler frequency * * As `wp_schedule_event` accepts only named frequencies this method ensures * that our custom frequencies are installed and available, generating alias * to be used for event scheduling. * * @param Ai1ec_Frequency_Utility $seconds Number of seconds between * sequential events * @param string $name A schedule name used * by {@see wp_get_schedules} * * @return string Name to use when adding event to scheduler */ public function get_named_frequency( Ai1ec_Frequency_Utility $seconds, $name = NULL ) { if ( NULL !== $name ) { $wpschedules = wp_get_schedules(); if ( isset( $wpschedules[$name] ) ) { return $name; } unset( $wpschedules ); } $seconds = $seconds->to_seconds(); $current = $this->_get_freqs_list(); if ( ! isset( $current[$seconds] ) ) { $current[$seconds] = array( 'hash' => 'every_' . $seconds, 'name' => $name, 'seconds' => $seconds ); $this->_set_freqs_list( $current ); } return $current[$seconds]['hash']; } /** * Shutdown sequence * * Write settings to database on destruct if changes were introduced * * @return void No returns are processed in shutdown sequence */ public function shutdown() { if ( $this->_updated ) { $this->_compact_frequencies(); $this->_configuration['version'] = self::CURRENT_VERSION; update_option( self::OPTION_NAME, $this->_configuration ); } } /** * Clear previously set schedules and delete options entry * * This is a callback method, to be executed upon un-install to ensure * that previously scheduled hooks are deleted and option storing list * is removed from options table. * * @return bool Success */ public function uninstall() { $cron_list = $this->_get_hooks_list(); foreach ( $cron_list as $cron ) { wp_clear_scheduled_hook( $cron['hook'] ); } return delete_option( self::OPTION_NAME ); } /** * Delete hook from execution queue * * @param string $hook Name of hook to delete * * @return bool Success */ public function delete( $hook ) { $existing = $this->_get_hooks_list(); $success = wp_clear_scheduled_hook( $hook ); if ( isset( $existing[$hook] ) ) { unset( $existing[$hook] ); $this->_set_hooks_list( $existing ); } return $success; } /** * Retrieve information about scheduled hook * * @param string $hook Name of hook to extract * * @return array|null Hook schedule details, or NULL if none is installed */ public function get_details( $hook ) { $existing = $this->_get_hooks_list(); if ( ! isset( $existing[$hook] ) ) { return NULL; } return $existing[$hook]; } /** * Install default schedules * * @return Ai1ec_Scheduling_Utility Instance of self for chaining */ public function install_default_schedules() { $hook_list = $this->get_default_schedules(); foreach ( $hook_list as $hook => $freq ) { $details = $this->get_details( $hook ); if ( NULL === $details || $this->_override_default( $hook, $details ) ) { $this->schedule( $hook, $freq ); } } return true; } /** * In some cases we need to override existing values * * @param string $hook Name of hook being checked * @param array $current Hook details * * @return bool True if hook needs to be re-installed */ protected function _override_default( $hook, array $current ) { if ( 'ai1ec_purge_events_cache' === $hook && '5m' === $current['freq'] && version_compare( '1.11', $this->_configuration['version'] ) >= 0 ) { return true; } return false; } /** * Get map of default schedules * * @return array Map of hooks and their default schedules */ public function get_default_schedules() { return array( 'ai1ec_purge_events_cache' => '3h', ); } /** * Parse frequency to a details map * * @param string $hook Name of hook to be installed * @param string $input User supplied frequency * * @return array Ai1ec_Frequency_Utility Valid parsed frequency object */ public function get_valid_freq_details( $hook, $input ) { $freq = $this->_parse_freq( $input ); if ( 0 === $freq->to_seconds() ) { // input was empty/parseable to empty $defaults = $this->get_default_schedules(); if ( isset( $defaults[$hook] ) ) { $freq = $this->_parse_freq( $defaults[$hook] ); } } return $freq; } /** * Modify values in settings object from hooks details * * @param Ai1ec_Settings Initialized settings model reference * * @return Ai1ec_Settings Modified settings model reference */ public function settings_initiated_hook( $settings ) { if ( isset( $settings->view_cache_refresh_interval ) ) { $cache_schedule = $this->get_details( 'ai1ec_purge_events_cache' ); $settings->view_cache_refresh_interval = $cache_schedule['freq']; } return $settings; } /** * Actually install/update hook * * @param string $hook Name of hook to execute * @param int $timestamp Time of first run * @param string $freq User defined recurrence pattern [optional=NULL] * @param string $version Arbitrary cron version identifier [optional=0] * * @return bool Success */ protected function _install( $hook, $timestamp, $freq = NULL, $version = '0' ) { $installable = compact( 'hook', 'timestamp', 'version' ); if ( NULL !== $freq ) { $parsed_freq = $this->get_valid_freq_details( $hook, $freq ); $installable['recurrence'] = $this->get_named_frequency( $parsed_freq, $freq ); $installable['freq'] = $parsed_freq->to_string(); unset( $parsed_freq ); } if ( ! $this->_merge_hook( $hook, $installable ) ) { return false; } wp_clear_scheduled_hook( $installable['hook'] ); return wp_schedule_event( $installable['timestamp'], $installable['recurrence'], $installable['hook'] ); } /** * Convenient method to perform hook description update * * @param string $hook Name of hook to update * @param array $installable Object to merge into memory * * @return bool Success */ protected function _merge_hook( $hook, array $installable ) { $existing = $this->_get_hooks_list(); if ( isset( $existing[$hook] ) ) { $installable = array_merge( $existing[$hook], $installable ); } $existing[$hook] = $installable; return $this->_set_hooks_list( $existing ); } /** * Parse arbitrary frequency representation to one accepted by WP scheduler * * First check is made against available schedules map, to check whereas * frequency given matches some defined name. * If that fails - treats input as human readable offset between consequent * event runs. It might be either number of seconds, or a digit followed by * an abbreviation, one of: `s` for seconds (equal to no abbr. passed), `m` * for minutes, `h` for hours, `d` fordays, `w` for weeks. I.e. '20m' will * be parsed to `1200` seconds. * * @param string $freq Parseable frequency identifier * * @return Ai1ec_Frequency_Utility Parsed frequency object */ protected function _parse_freq( $freq ) { $parsed = $this->_registry->get( 'parser.frequency' ); if ( false === $parsed->parse( $freq ) ) { $parsed->parse( '0' ); } return $parsed; } /** * Return a list of hooks already registered * * Convenient method to return a list of registered hooks * * @return array Map of hooks, mapped on hook name */ protected function _get_hooks_list() { return $this->_configuration['hooks']; } /** * Return a list of frequencies already registered * * Convenient method to return a list of registered frequencies * * @return array Map of frequencies, mapped on offset seconds */ protected function _get_freqs_list() { return $this->_configuration['freqs']; } /** * Update a list of hooks registered * * Update in-memory list of hooks and mark status for writing to database * * @param array $hooks Map of hooks mapped on hook name * * @return bool Success */ protected function _set_hooks_list( array $hooks ) { $this->_configuration['hooks'] = $hooks; $this->_updated = true; return true; } /** * Update a list of frequencies registered * * Update in-memory list of frequencies and mark status for writing to * database * * @param array $frequencies Map of frequencies mapped on offset seconds * * @return bool Success */ protected function _set_freqs_list( array $freqs ) { $this->_configuration['freqs'] = $freqs; $this->_updated = true; return true; } /** * Remove frequencies, that are no longer associated to any of the hooks * * @return Ai1ec_Scheduling_Utility Instance of self for chaining */ protected function _compact_frequencies() { $hook_list = $this->_get_hooks_list(); $this->_set_freqs_list( array() ); foreach ( $hook_list as $hook ) { $this->get_named_frequency( $this->_parse_freq( $hook['freq'] ) ); } return $this; } }