ed function initGlobals()
$globals = array();
foreach ($this->extensions as $extension) {
$extGlob = $extension->getGlobals();
if (!is_array($extGlob)) {
throw new UnexpectedValueException(sprintf('"%s::getGlobals()" must return an array of globals.', get_class($extension)));
$globals[] = $extGlob;
$globals[] = $this->staging->getGlobals();
return call_user_func_array('array_merge', $globals);
protected function initExtensions()
if ($this->extensionInitialized) {
$this->extensionInitialized = true;
$this->parsers = new Twig_TokenParserBroker();
$this->filters = array();
$this->functions = array();
$this->tests = array();
$this->visitors = array();
$this->unaryOperators = array();
$this->binaryOperators = array();
foreach ($this->extensions as $extension) {
protected function initExtension(Twig_ExtensionInterface $extension)
// filters
foreach ($extension->getFilters() as $name => $filter) {
if ($name instanceof Twig_SimpleFilter) {
$filter = $name;
$name = $filter->getName();
} elseif ($filter instanceof Twig_SimpleFilter) {
$name = $filter->getName();
$this->filters[$name] = $filter;
// functions
foreach ($extension->getFunctions() as $name => $function) {
if ($name instanceof Twig_SimpleFunction) {
$function = $name;
$name = $function->getName();
} elseif ($function instanceof Twig_SimpleFunction) {
$name = $function->getName();
$this->functions[$name] = $function;
// tests
foreach ($extension->getTests() as $name => $test) {
if ($name instanceof Twig_SimpleTest) {
$test = $name;
$name = $test->getName();
} elseif ($test instanceof Twig_SimpleTest) {
$name = $test->getName();
$this->tests[$name] = $test;
// token parsers
foreach ($extension->getTokenParsers() as $parser) {
if ($parser instanceof Twig_TokenParserInterface) {
} elseif ($parser instanceof Twig_TokenParserBrokerInterface) {
} else {
throw new LogicException('getTokenParsers() must return an array of Twig_TokenParserInterface or Twig_TokenParserBrokerInterface instances');
// node visitors
foreach ($extension->getNodeVisitors() as $visitor) {
$this->visitors[] = $visitor;
// operators
if ($operators = $extension->getOperators()) {
if (2 !== count($operators)) {
throw new InvalidArgumentException(sprintf('"%s::getOperators()" does not return a valid operators array.', get_class($extension)));
$this->unaryOperators = array_merge($this->unaryOperators, $operators[0]);
$this->binaryOperators = array_merge($this->binaryOperators, $operators[1]);
protected function writeCacheFile($file, $content)
$dir = dirname($file);
if (!is_dir($dir)) {
if (false === @mkdir($dir, 0777, true) && !is_dir($dir)) {
throw new RuntimeException(sprintf("Unable to create the cache directory (%s).", $dir));
} elseif (!is_writable($dir)) {
throw new RuntimeException(sprintf("Unable to write in the cache directory (%s).", $dir));
$tmpFile = tempnam($dir, basename($file));
if (false !== @file_put_contents($tmpFile, $content)) {
// rename does not work on Win32 before 5.2.6
if (@rename($tmpFile, $file) || (@copy($tmpFile, $file) && unlink($tmpFile))) {
@chmod($file, 0666 & ~umask());
throw new RuntimeException(sprintf('Failed to write cache file "%s".', $file));