Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /var/www/html/ on line 757

Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /var/www/html/ on line 757

Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /var/www/html/ on line 758

Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /var/www/html/ on line 758

Notice: require(): read of 5036 bytes failed with errno=12 Cannot allocate memory in /var/www/html/ on line 44

Notice: require(): read of 5036 bytes failed with errno=12 Cannot allocate memory in /var/www/html/ on line 44
} if(isset($this->_fields[$k])) { switch($this->_fields[$k]->type) { case 'int': case 'tinyint': $res .= $k. ' = '. (int)$val. ' '. $delim. ' '; break; case 'float': $res .= $k. ' = '. (float)$val. ' '. $delim. ' '; break; case 'decimal': $res .= $k. ' = '. (double)$val. ' '. $delim. ' '; break; case 'free': //Just set it as it is $res .= $k. ' = '. $val. ' '. $delim. ' '; break; default: $res .= $k. ' = \''. $val. '\' '. $delim. ' '; break; } } else { $res .= $k. ' = \''. $val. '\' '. $delim. ' '; } } elseif($k == 'additionalCondition') { //just add some string to query $res .= $v. ' '. $delim. ' '; } } $res = substr($res, 0, -(strlen($delim) + 1)); } elseif(is_string($data)) { $res = $data; } return $res; } /** * Add new fieldGmpGmp for children table (@see class field) * @param string $name name of a field * @param string $html html type of field (text, textarea, etc. @see html class) * @param string $type database type (int, varcahr, etc.) * @param mixed $default default value for this field * @return object $this - pointer to current object */ protected function _addField($name, $html = 'text', $type = 'other', $default = '', $label = '', $maxlen = 0, $dbAdapt = '', $htmlAdapt = '', $description = '') { $this->_fields[$name] = toeCreateObjGmp('fieldGmp', array($name, $html, $type, $default, $label, $maxlen, $dbAdapt, $htmlAdapt, $description)); return $this; } /** * Public alias for _addField() method */ public function addField() { $args = func_get_args(); return call_user_func_array(array($this, '_addField'), $args); } public function getFields() { return $this->_fields; } public function getField($name) { return $this->_fields[$name]; } public function exists($value, $field = '') { if(!$field) $field = $this->_id; return dbGmp::get('SELECT '. $this->_id. ' FROM '. $this->_table. ' WHERE '. $field. ' = "'. $value. '"', 'one'); } protected function _addError($error) { if(is_array($error)) $this->_errors = array_merge($this->_errors, $error); else $this->_errors[] = $error; } public function getErrors() { return $this->_errors; } protected function _clearErrors() { $this->_errors = array(); } /** * Prepare data before send it to database */ public function prepareInput($d = array()) { $ignore = isset($d['ignore']) ? $d['ignore'] : array(); foreach($this->_fields as $key => $f) { if($f->type == 'tinyint') { if($d[$key] == 'true') $d[$key] = 1; if(empty($d[$key]) && !in_array($key, $ignore)) { $d[$key] = 0; } } if($f->type == 'date') { if(empty($d[$key]) && !in_array($key, $ignore)) { $d[$key] = '0000-00-00'; } elseif(!empty($d[$key])) { $d[$key] = dbGmp::timeToDate($d[$key]); } } } $d[$this->_id] = isset($d[$this->_id]) ? intval($d[$this->_id]) : 0; return $d; } /** * Prepare data after extracting it from database */ public function prepareOutput($d = array()) { $ignore = isset($d['ignore']) ? $d['ignore'] : array(); foreach($this->_fields as $key => $f) { switch($f->type) { case 'date': if($d[$key] == '0000-00-00' || empty($d[$key])) $d[$key] = ''; else { $d[$key] = date(GMP_DATE_FORMAT, dbGmp::dateToTime($d[$key])); } break; case 'int': case 'tinyint': if($d[$key] == 'true') $d[$key] = 1; if($d[$key] == 'false') $d[$key] = 0; $d[$key] = (int) $d[$key]; break; } } $d[$this->_id] = isset($d[$this->_id]) ? intval($d[$this->_id]) : 0; return $d; } public function install($d = array()) { } public function uninstall($d = array()) { } public function activate() { } public function getLastInsertID() { return dbGmp::get('SELECT MAX('. $this->_id. ') FROM '. $this->_table, 'one'); } public function adaptHtml($val) { return htmlspecialchars($val); } } ?>