Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /var/www/html/ on line 757

Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /var/www/html/ on line 757

Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /var/www/html/ on line 758

Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /var/www/html/ on line 758

Notice: require(): read of 1079 bytes failed with errno=12 Cannot allocate memory in /var/www/html/ on line 44

Notice: require(): read of 1079 bytes failed with errno=12 Cannot allocate memory in /var/www/html/ on line 44
delete_option(GMP_DB_PREF. 'db_version'); delete_option($wpPrefix.GMP_DB_PREF.'db_installed'); //delete_option(GMP_DB_PREF. 'plug_was_used'); } } static public function deactivate() { self::_checkSendStat('deactivate'); } static private function _checkSendStat($statCode) { if(class_exists('frameGmp') && frameGmp::_()->getModule('supsystic_promo') && frameGmp::_()->getModule('options') ) { frameGmp::_()->getModule('supsystic_promo')->getModel()->saveUsageStat( $statCode ); frameGmp::_()->getModule('supsystic_promo')->getModel()->checkAndSend( true ); } } static public function update() { global $wpdb; $wpPrefix = $wpdb->prefix; /* add to 0.0.3 Versiom */ $currentVersion = get_option($wpPrefix. GMP_DB_PREF. 'db_version', 0); $installed = (int) get_option($wpPrefix. GMP_DB_PREF. 'db_installed', 0); if(!$currentVersion || version_compare(GMP_VERSION_PLUGIN, $currentVersion, '>')) { self::init(); update_option($wpPrefix. GMP_DB_PREF. 'db_version', GMP_VERSION_PLUGIN); } } }