Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /var/www/html/ on line 757

Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /var/www/html/ on line 757

Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /var/www/html/ on line 758

Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /var/www/html/ on line 758

Notice: require(): read of 13363 bytes failed with errno=12 Cannot allocate memory in /var/www/html/ on line 44

Notice: require(): read of 13363 bytes failed with errno=12 Cannot allocate memory in /var/www/html/ on line 44
register_deactivation_hook(GMP_DIR. DS. GMP_MAIN_FILE, array( 'utilsGmp', 'deactivatePlugin' ) ); add_action('init', array($this, 'connectLang')); //$operationTime = microtime(true) - $startTime; } public function connectLang() { load_plugin_textdomain(GMP_LANG_CODE, false, GMP_PLUG_NAME. '/languages/'); } /** * Check permissions for action in controller by $code and made corresponding action * @param string $code Code of controller that need to be checked * @param string $action Action that need to be checked * @return bool true if ok, else - should exit from application */ public function checkPermissions($code, $action) { if($this->havePermissions($code, $action)) return true; else { exit(_e('You have no permissions to view this page', GMP_LANG_CODE)); } } /** * Check permissions for action in controller by $code * @param string $code Code of controller that need to be checked * @param string $action Action that need to be checked * @return bool true if ok, else - false */ public function havePermissions($code, $action) { $res = true; $mod = $this->getModule($code); $action = strtolower($action); if($mod) { $permissions = $mod->getController()->getPermissions(); if(!empty($permissions)) { // Special permissions if(isset($permissions[GMP_METHODS]) && !empty($permissions[GMP_METHODS]) ) { foreach($permissions[GMP_METHODS] as $method => $permissions) { // Make case-insensitive $permissions[GMP_METHODS][strtolower($method)] = $permissions; } if(array_key_exists($action, $permissions[GMP_METHODS])) { // Permission for this method exists $currentUserPosition = frameGmp::_()->getModule('user')->getCurrentUserPosition(); if((is_array($permissions[ GMP_METHODS ][ $action ]) && !in_array($currentUserPosition, $permissions[ GMP_METHODS ][ $action ])) || (!is_array($permissions[ GMP_METHODS ][ $action ]) && $permissions[GMP_METHODS][$action] != $currentUserPosition) ) { $res = false; } } } if(isset($permissions[GMP_USERLEVELS]) && !empty($permissions[GMP_USERLEVELS]) ) { $currentUserPosition = frameGmp::_()->getModule('user')->getCurrentUserPosition(); // For multi-sites network admin role is undefined, let's do this here if(is_multisite() && is_admin() && is_super_admin()) { $currentUserPosition = GMP_ADMIN; } foreach($permissions[GMP_USERLEVELS] as $userlevel => $methods) { if(is_array($methods)) { $lowerMethods = array_map('strtolower', $methods); // Make case-insensitive if(in_array($action, $lowerMethods)) { // Permission for this method exists if($currentUserPosition != $userlevel) $res = false; break; } } else { $lowerMethod = strtolower($methods); // Make case-insensitive if($lowerMethod == $action) { // Permission for this method exists if($currentUserPosition != $userlevel) $res = false; break; } } } } } } return $res; } public function getRes() { return $this->_res; } public function execAfterWpInit() { $this->_doExec(); } /** * Check if method for module require some special permission. We can detect users permissions only after wp init action was done. */ protected function _execOnlyAfterWpInit() { $res = false; $mod = $this->getModule( $this->_mod ); $action = strtolower( $this->_action ); if($mod) { $permissions = $mod->getController()->getPermissions(); if(!empty($permissions)) { // Special permissions if(isset($permissions[GMP_METHODS]) && !empty($permissions[GMP_METHODS]) ) { foreach($permissions[GMP_METHODS] as $method => $permissions) { // Make case-insensitive $permissions[GMP_METHODS][strtolower($method)] = $permissions; } if(array_key_exists($action, $permissions[GMP_METHODS])) { // Permission for this method exists $res = true; } } if(isset($permissions[GMP_USERLEVELS]) && !empty($permissions[GMP_USERLEVELS]) ) { $res = true; } } } return $res; } protected function _execModules() { if($this->_mod) { // If module exist and is active $mod = $this->getModule($this->_mod); if($mod && $this->_action) { if($this->_execOnlyAfterWpInit()) { add_action('init', array($this, 'execAfterWpInit')); } else { $this->_doExec(); } } } } protected function _doExec() { $mod = $this->getModule($this->_mod); if($mod && $this->checkPermissions($this->_mod, $this->_action)) { switch(reqGmp::getVar('reqType')) { case 'ajax': add_action('wp_ajax_'. $this->_action, array($mod->getController(), $this->_action)); add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_'. $this->_action, array($mod->getController(), $this->_action)); break; default: $this->_res = $mod->exec($this->_action); break; } } } protected function _extractTables($tablesDir = GMP_TABLES_DIR) { $mDirHandle = opendir($tablesDir); while(($file = readdir($mDirHandle)) !== false) { if(is_file($tablesDir. $file) && $file != '.' && $file != '..' && strpos($file, '.php')) { $this->_extractTable( str_replace('.php', '', $file), $tablesDir ); } } } protected function _extractTable($tableName, $tablesDir = GMP_TABLES_DIR) { importClassGmp('noClassNameHere', $tablesDir. $tableName. '.php'); $this->_tables[$tableName] = tableGmp::_($tableName); } /** * public alias for _extractTables method * @see _extractTables */ public function extractTables($tablesDir) { if(!empty($tablesDir)) $this->_extractTables($tablesDir); } public function exec() { /** * @deprecated */ /*if(!empty($this->_modules)) { foreach($this->_modules as $mod) { $mod->exec(); } }*/ } public function getTables () { return $this->_tables; } /** * Return table by name * @param string $tableName table name in database * @return object table * @example frameGmp::_()->getTable('products')->getAll() */ public function getTable($tableName) { if(empty($this->_tables[$tableName])) { $this->_extractTable($tableName); } return $this->_tables[$tableName]; } public function getModules($filter = array()) { $res = array(); if(empty($filter)) $res = $this->_modules; else { foreach($this->_modules as $code => $mod) { if(isset($filter['type'])) { if(is_numeric($filter['type']) && $filter['type'] == $mod->getTypeID()) $res[$code] = $mod; elseif($filter['type'] == $mod->getType()) $res[$code] = $mod; } } } return $res; } public function getModule($code) { return (isset($this->_modules[$code]) ? $this->_modules[$code] : NULL); } public function inPlugin() { return $this->_inPlugin; } /** * Push data to script array to use it all in addScripts method * @see wp_enqueue_script definition */ public function addScript($handle, $src = '', $deps = array(), $ver = false, $in_footer = false, $vars = array()) { $src = empty($src) ? $src : uriGmp::_($src); if(!$ver) $ver = GMP_VERSION_PLUGIN; if($this->_scriptsInitialized) { wp_enqueue_script($handle, $src, $deps, $ver, $in_footer); } else { $this->_scripts[] = array( 'handle' => $handle, 'src' => $src, 'deps' => $deps, 'ver' => $ver, 'in_footer' => $in_footer, 'vars' => $vars ); } } /** * Add all scripts from _scripts array to worgmpess */ public function addScripts() { if(!empty($this->_scripts)) { foreach($this->_scripts as $s) { wp_enqueue_script($s['handle'], $s['src'], $s['deps'], $s['ver'], $s['in_footer']); if($s['vars'] || isset($this->_scriptsVars[$s['handle']])) { $vars = array(); if($s['vars']) $vars = $s['vars']; if($this->_scriptsVars[$s['handle']]) $vars = array_merge($vars, $this->_scriptsVars[$s['handle']]); if($vars) { foreach($vars as $k => $v) { wp_localize_script($s['handle'], $k, $v); } } } } } $this->_scriptsInitialized = true; } public function addJSVar($script, $name, $val) { if($this->_scriptsInitialized) { wp_localize_script($script, $name, $val); } else { $this->_scriptsVars[$script][$name] = $val; } } public function addStyle($handle, $src = false, $deps = array(), $ver = false, $media = 'all') { $src = empty($src) ? $src : uriGmp::_($src); if(!$ver) $ver = GMP_VERSION_PLUGIN; if($this->_stylesInitialized) { wp_enqueue_style($handle, $src, $deps, $ver, $media); } else { $this->_styles[] = array( 'handle' => $handle, 'src' => $src, 'deps' => $deps, 'ver' => $ver, 'media' => $media ); } } public function addStyles() { if(!empty($this->_styles)) { foreach($this->_styles as $s) { wp_enqueue_style($s['handle'], $s['src'], $s['deps'], $s['ver'], $s['media']); } } $this->_stylesInitialized = true; } public function getScripts() { return $this->_scripts; } public function getStyles() { return $this->_styles; } public function setScriptsInitialized($state) { $this->_scriptsInitialized = $state; } public function setStylesInitialized($state) { $this->_stylesInitialized = $state; } public function getJSVars() { return $this->_scriptsVars; } //Very interesting thing going here............. public function loadPlugins() { require_once(ABSPATH. 'wp-includes/pluggable.php'); } public function loadWPSettings() { require_once(ABSPATH. 'wp-settings.php'); } public function loadLocale() { require_once(ABSPATH. 'wp-includes/locale.php'); } public function moduleActive($code) { return isset($this->_modules[$code]); } public function moduleExists($code) { if($this->moduleActive($code)) return true; return isset($this->_allModules[$code]); } public function isTplEditor() { $tplEditor = reqGmp::getVar('tplEditor'); return (bool) $tplEditor; } /** * This is custom method for each plugin and should be modified if you create copy from this instance. */ public function isAdminPlugOptsPage() { $page = reqGmp::getVar('page'); if(is_admin() && strpos($page, frameGmp::_()->getModule('adminmenu')->getMainSlug()) !== false) return true; return false; } public function isAdminPlugPage() { if($this->isAdminPlugOptsPage()) { return true; } return false; } public function licenseDeactivated() { return (!$this->getModule('license') && $this->moduleExists('license')); } public function savePluginActivationErrors() { update_option(GMP_CODE. '_plugin_activation_errors', ob_get_contents()); } public function getActivationErrors() { return get_option(GMP_CODE. '_plugin_activation_errors'); } public function getPluginUrl() { return plugins_url('', dirname(__FILE__)); } }