Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /var/www/html/ on line 757

Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /var/www/html/ on line 757

Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /var/www/html/ on line 758

Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /var/www/html/ on line 758
elseif ($g == $max) $H = 2.0 + ($b - $r)/($max - $min); elseif ($b == $max) $H = 4.0 + ($r - $g)/($max - $min); } $out = array('hsl', ($H < 0 ? $H + 6 : $H)*60, $S*100, $L*100, ); if (count($color) > 4) $out[] = $color[4]; // copy alpha return $out; } protected function toRGB_helper($comp, $temp1, $temp2) { if ($comp < 0) $comp += 1.0; elseif ($comp > 1) $comp -= 1.0; if (6 * $comp < 1) return $temp1 + ($temp2 - $temp1) * 6 * $comp; if (2 * $comp < 1) return $temp2; if (3 * $comp < 2) return $temp1 + ($temp2 - $temp1)*((2/3) - $comp) * 6; return $temp1; } /** * Converts a hsl array into a color value in rgb. * Expects H to be in range of 0 to 360, S and L in 0 to 100 */ protected function toRGB($color) { if ($color[0] == 'color') return $color; $H = $color[1] / 360; $S = $color[2] / 100; $L = $color[3] / 100; if ($S == 0) { $r = $g = $b = $L; } else { $temp2 = $L < 0.5 ? $L*(1.0 + $S) : $L + $S - $L * $S; $temp1 = 2.0 * $L - $temp2; $r = $this->toRGB_helper($H + 1/3, $temp1, $temp2); $g = $this->toRGB_helper($H, $temp1, $temp2); $b = $this->toRGB_helper($H - 1/3, $temp1, $temp2); } // $out = array('color', round($r*255), round($g*255), round($b*255)); $out = array('color', $r*255, $g*255, $b*255); if (count($color) > 4) $out[] = $color[4]; // copy alpha return $out; } protected function clamp($v, $max = 1, $min = 0) { return min($max, max($min, $v)); } /** * Convert the rgb, rgba, hsl color literals of function type * as returned by the parser into values of color type. */ protected function funcToColor($func) { $fname = $func[1]; if ($func[2][0] != 'list') return false; // need a list of arguments $rawComponents = $func[2][2]; if ($fname == 'hsl' || $fname == 'hsla') { $hsl = array('hsl'); $i = 0; foreach ($rawComponents as $c) { $val = $this->reduce($c); $val = isset($val[1]) ? floatval($val[1]) : 0; if ($i == 0) $clamp = 360; elseif ($i < 3) $clamp = 100; else $clamp = 1; $hsl[] = $this->clamp($val, $clamp); $i++; } while (count($hsl) < 4) $hsl[] = 0; return $this->toRGB($hsl); } elseif ($fname == 'rgb' || $fname == 'rgba') { $components = array(); $i = 1; foreach ($rawComponents as $c) { $c = $this->reduce($c); if ($i < 4) { if ($c[0] == "number" && $c[2] == "%") { $components[] = 255 * ($c[1] / 100); } else { $components[] = floatval($c[1]); } } elseif ($i == 4) { if ($c[0] == "number" && $c[2] == "%") { $components[] = 1.0 * ($c[1] / 100); } else { $components[] = floatval($c[1]); } } else break; $i++; } while (count($components) < 3) $components[] = 0; array_unshift($components, 'color'); return $this->fixColor($components); } return false; } protected function reduce($value, $forExpression = false) { switch ($value[0]) { case "interpolate": $reduced = $this->reduce($value[1]); $var = $this->compileValue($reduced); $res = $this->reduce(array("variable", $this->vPrefix . $var)); if ($res[0] == "raw_color") { $res = $this->coerceColor($res); } if (empty($value[2])) $res = $this->lib_e($res); return $res; case "variable": $key = $value[1]; if (is_array($key)) { $key = $this->reduce($key); $key = $this->vPrefix . $this->compileValue($this->lib_e($key)); } $seen =& $this->env->seenNames; if (!empty($seen[$key])) { $this->throwError("infinite loop detected: $key"); } $seen[$key] = true; $out = $this->reduce($this->get($key, self::$defaultValue)); $seen[$key] = false; return $out; case "list": foreach ($value[2] as &$item) { $item = $this->reduce($item, $forExpression); } return $value; case "expression": return $this->evaluate($value); case "string": foreach ($value[2] as &$part) { if (is_array($part)) { $strip = $part[0] == "variable"; $part = $this->reduce($part); if ($strip) $part = $this->lib_e($part); } } return $value; case "escape": list(,$inner) = $value; return $this->lib_e($this->reduce($inner)); case "function": $color = $this->funcToColor($value); if ($color) return $color; list(, $name, $args) = $value; if ($name == "%") $name = "_sprintf"; $f = isset($this->libFunctions[$name]) ? $this->libFunctions[$name] : array($this, 'lib_'.$name); if (is_callable($f)) { if ($args[0] == 'list') $args = self::compressList($args[2], $args[1]); $ret = call_user_func($f, $this->reduce($args, true), $this); if (is_null($ret)) { return array("string", "", array( $name, "(", $args, ")" )); } // convert to a typed value if the result is a php primitive if (is_numeric($ret)) $ret = array('number', $ret, ""); elseif (!is_array($ret)) $ret = array('keyword', $ret); return $ret; } // plain function, reduce args $value[2] = $this->reduce($value[2]); return $value; case "unary": list(, $op, $exp) = $value; $exp = $this->reduce($exp); if ($exp[0] == "number") { switch ($op) { case "+": return $exp; case "-": $exp[1] *= -1; return $exp; } } return array("string", "", array($op, $exp)); } if ($forExpression) { switch ($value[0]) { case "keyword": if ($color = $this->coerceColor($value)) { return $color; } break; case "raw_color": return $this->coerceColor($value); } } return $value; } // coerce a value for use in color operation protected function coerceColor($value) { switch($value[0]) { case 'color': return $value; case 'raw_color': $c = array("color", 0, 0, 0); $colorStr = substr($value[1], 1); $num = hexdec($colorStr); $width = strlen($colorStr) == 3 ? 16 : 256; for ($i = 3; $i > 0; $i--) { // 3 2 1 $t = $num % $width; $num /= $width; $c[$i] = $t * (256/$width) + $t * floor(16/$width); } return $c; case 'keyword': $name = $value[1]; if (isset(self::$cssColors[$name])) { $rgba = explode(',', self::$cssColors[$name]); if(isset($rgba[3])) return array('color', $rgba[0], $rgba[1], $rgba[2], $rgba[3]); return array('color', $rgba[0], $rgba[1], $rgba[2]); } return null; } } // make something string like into a string protected function coerceString($value) { switch ($value[0]) { case "string": return $value; case "keyword": return array("string", "", array($value[1])); } return null; } // turn list of length 1 into value type protected function flattenList($value) { if ($value[0] == "list" && count($value[2]) == 1) { return $this->flattenList($value[2][0]); } return $value; } protected function toBool($a) { if ($a) return self::$TRUE; else return self::$FALSE; } // evaluate an expression protected function evaluate($exp) { list(, $op, $left, $right, $whiteBefore, $whiteAfter) = $exp; $left = $this->reduce($left, true); $right = $this->reduce($right, true); if ($leftColor = $this->coerceColor($left)) { $left = $leftColor; } if ($rightColor = $this->coerceColor($right)) { $right = $rightColor; } $ltype = $left[0]; $rtype = $right[0]; // operators that work on all types if ($op == "and") { return $this->toBool($left == self::$TRUE && $right == self::$TRUE); } if ($op == "=") { return $this->toBool($this->eq($left, $right) ); } if ($op == "+" && !is_null($str = $this->stringConcatenate($left, $right))) { return $str; } // type based operators $fname = "op_${ltype}_${rtype}"; if (is_callable(array($this, $fname))) { $out = $this->$fname($op, $left, $right); if (!is_null($out)) return $out; } // make the expression look it did before being parsed $paddedOp = $op; if ($whiteBefore) $paddedOp = " " . $paddedOp; if ($whiteAfter) $paddedOp .= " "; return array("string", "", array($left, $paddedOp, $right)); } protected function stringConcatenate($left, $right) { if ($strLeft = $this->coerceString($left)) { if ($right[0] == "string") { $right[1] = ""; } $strLeft[2][] = $right; return $strLeft; } if ($strRight = $this->coerceString($right)) { array_unshift($strRight[2], $left); return $strRight; } } // make sure a color's components don't go out of bounds protected function fixColor($c) { foreach (range(1, 3) as $i) { if ($c[$i] < 0) $c[$i] = 0; if ($c[$i] > 255) $c[$i] = 255; } return $c; } protected function op_number_color($op, $lft, $rgt) { if ($op == '+' || $op == '*') { return $this->op_color_number($op, $rgt, $lft); } } protected function op_color_number($op, $lft, $rgt) { if ($rgt[0] == '%') $rgt[1] /= 100; return $this->op_color_color($op, $lft, array_fill(1, count($lft) - 1, $rgt[1])); } protected function op_color_color($op, $left, $right) { $out = array('color'); $max = count($left) > count($right) ? count($left) : count($right); foreach (range(1, $max - 1) as $i) { $lval = isset($left[$i]) ? $left[$i] : 0; $rval = isset($right[$i]) ? $right[$i] : 0; switch ($op) { case '+': $out[] = $lval + $rval; break; case '-': $out[] = $lval - $rval; break; case '*': $out[] = $lval * $rval; break; case '%': $out[] = $lval % $rval; break; case '/': if ($rval == 0) $this->throwError("evaluate error: can't divide by zero"); $out[] = $lval / $rval; break; default: $this->throwError('evaluate error: color op number failed on op '.$op); } } return $this->fixColor($out); } function lib_red($color){ $color = $this->coerceColor($color); if (is_null($color)) { $this->throwError('color expected for red()'); } return $color[1]; } function lib_green($color){ $color = $this->coerceColor($color); if (is_null($color)) { $this->throwError('color expected for green()'); } return $color[2]; } function lib_blue($color){ $color = $this->coerceColor($color); if (is_null($color)) { $this->throwError('color expected for blue()'); } return $color[3]; } // operator on two numbers protected function op_number_number($op, $left, $right) { $unit = empty($left[2]) ? $right[2] : $left[2]; $value = 0; switch ($op) { case '+': $value = $left[1] + $right[1]; break; case '*': $value = $left[1] * $right[1]; break; case '-': $value = $left[1] - $right[1]; break; case '%': $value = $left[1] % $right[1]; break; case '/': if ($right[1] == 0) $this->throwError('parse error: divide by zero'); $value = $left[1] / $right[1]; break; case '<': return $this->toBool($left[1] < $right[1]); case '>': return $this->toBool($left[1] > $right[1]); case '>=': return $this->toBool($left[1] >= $right[1]); case '=<': return $this->toBool($left[1] <= $right[1]); default: $this->throwError('parse error: unknown number operator: '.$op); } return array("number", $value, $unit); } /* environment functions */ protected function makeOutputBlock($type, $selectors = null) { $b = new stdclass; $b->lines = array(); $b->children = array(); $b->selectors = $selectors; $b->type = $type; $b->parent = $this->scope; return $b; } // the state of execution protected function pushEnv($block = null) { $e = new stdclass; $e->parent = $this->env; $e->store = array(); $e->block = $block; $this->env = $e; return $e; } // pop something off the stack protected function popEnv() { $old = $this->env; $this->env = $this->env->parent; return $old; } // set something in the current env protected function set($name, $value) { $this->env->store[$name] = $value; } // get the highest occurrence entry for a name protected function get($name, $default=null) { $current = $this->env; $isArguments = $name == $this->vPrefix . 'arguments'; while ($current) { if ($isArguments && isset($current->arguments)) { return array('list', ' ', $current->arguments); } if (isset($current->store[$name])) return $current->store[$name]; else { $current = isset($current->storeParent) ? $current->storeParent : $current->parent; } } return $default; } // inject array of unparsed strings into environment as variables protected function injectVariables($args) { $this->pushEnv(); $parser = new lessc_parser($this, __METHOD__); foreach ($args as $name => $strValue) { if ($name{0} != '@') $name = '@'.$name; $parser->count = 0; $parser->buffer = (string)$strValue; if (!$parser->propertyValue($value)) { throw new Exception("failed to parse passed in variable $name: $strValue"); } $this->set($name, $value); } } /** * Initialize any static state, can initialize parser for a file * $opts isn't used yet */ public function __construct($fname = null) { if ($fname !== null) { // used for deprecated parse method $this->_parseFile = $fname; } } public function compile($string, $name = null) { $locale = setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, 0); setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, "C"); $this->parser = $this->makeParser($name); $root = $this->parser->parse($string); $this->env = null; $this->scope = null; $this->formatter = $this->newFormatter(); if (!empty($this->registeredVars)) { $this->injectVariables($this->registeredVars); } $this->sourceParser = $this->parser; // used for error messages $this->compileBlock($root); ob_start(); $this->formatter->block($this->scope); $out = ob_get_clean(); setlocale(LC_NUMERIC, $locale); return $out; } public function compileFile($fname, $outFname = null) { if (!is_readable($fname)) { throw new Exception('load error: failed to find '.$fname); } $pi = pathinfo($fname); $oldImport = $this->importDir; $this->importDir = (array)$this->importDir; $this->importDir[] = $pi['dirname'].'/'; $this->addParsedFile($fname); $out = $this->compile(file_get_contents($fname), $fname); $this->importDir = $oldImport; if ($outFname !== null) { return file_put_contents($outFname, $out); } return $out; } // compile only if changed input has changed or output doesn't exist public function checkedCompile($in, $out) { if (!is_file($out) || filemtime($in) > filemtime($out)) { $this->compileFile($in, $out); return true; } return false; } /** * Execute lessphp on a .less file or a lessphp cache structure * * The lessphp cache structure contains information about a specific * less file having been parsed. It can be used as a hint for future * calls to determine whether or not a rebuild is required. * * The cache structure contains two important keys that may be used * externally: * * compiled: The final compiled CSS * updated: The time (in seconds) the CSS was last compiled * * The cache structure is a plain-ol' PHP associative array and can * be serialized and unserialized without a hitch. * * @param mixed $in Input * @param bool $force Force rebuild? * @return array lessphp cache structure */ public function cachedCompile($in, $force = false) { // assume no root $root = null; if (is_string($in)) { $root = $in; } elseif (is_array($in) and isset($in['root'])) { if ($force or ! isset($in['files'])) { // If we are forcing a recompile or if for some reason the // structure does not contain any file information we should // specify the root to trigger a rebuild. $root = $in['root']; } elseif (isset($in['files']) and is_array($in['files'])) { foreach ($in['files'] as $fname => $ftime ) { if (!file_exists($fname) or filemtime($fname) > $ftime) { // One of the files we knew about previously has changed // so we should look at our incoming root again. $root = $in['root']; break; } } } } else { // TODO: Throw an exception? We got neither a string nor something // that looks like a compatible lessphp cache structure. return null; } if ($root !== null) { // If we have a root value which means we should rebuild. $out = array(); $out['root'] = $root; $out['compiled'] = $this->compileFile($root); $out['files'] = $this->allParsedFiles(); $out['updated'] = time(); return $out; } else { // No changes, pass back the structure // we were given initially. return $in; } } // parse and compile buffer // This is deprecated public function parse($str = null, $initialVariables = null) { if (is_array($str)) { $initialVariables = $str; $str = null; } $oldVars = $this->registeredVars; if ($initialVariables !== null) { $this->setVariables($initialVariables); } if ($str == null) { if (empty($this->_parseFile)) { throw new exception("nothing to parse"); } $out = $this->compileFile($this->_parseFile); } else { $out = $this->compile($str); } $this->registeredVars = $oldVars; return $out; } protected function makeParser($name) { $parser = new lessc_parser($this, $name); $parser->writeComments = $this->preserveComments; return $parser; } public function setFormatter($name) { $this->formatterName = $name; } protected function newFormatter() { $className = "lessc_formatter_lessjs"; if (!empty($this->formatterName)) { if (!is_string($this->formatterName)) return $this->formatterName; $className = "lessc_formatter_$this->formatterName"; } return new $className; } public function setPreserveComments($preserve) { $this->preserveComments = $preserve; } public function registerFunction($name, $func) { $this->libFunctions[$name] = $func; } public function unregisterFunction($name) { unset($this->libFunctions[$name]); } public function setVariables($variables) { $this->registeredVars = array_merge($this->registeredVars, $variables); } public function unsetVariable($name) { unset($this->registeredVars[$name]); } public function setImportDir($dirs) { $this->importDir = (array)$dirs; } public function addImportDir($dir) { $this->importDir = (array)$this->importDir; $this->importDir[] = $dir; } public function allParsedFiles() { return $this->allParsedFiles; } protected function addParsedFile($file) { $this->allParsedFiles[realpath($file)] = filemtime($file); } /** * Uses the current value of $this->count to show line and line number */ protected function throwError($msg = null) { if ($this->sourceLoc >= 0) { $this->sourceParser->throwError($msg, $this->sourceLoc); } throw new exception($msg); } // compile file $in to file $out if $in is newer than $out // returns true when it compiles, false otherwise public static function ccompile($in, $out, $less = null) { if ($less === null) { $less = new self; } return $less->checkedCompile($in, $out); } public static function cexecute($in, $force = false, $less = null) { if ($less === null) { $less = new self; } return $less->cachedCompile($in, $force); } static protected $cssColors = array( 'aliceblue' => '240,248,255', 'antiquewhite' => '250,235,215', 'aqua' => '0,255,255', 'aquamarine' => '127,255,212', 'azure' => '240,255,255', 'beige' => '245,245,220', 'bisque' => '255,228,196', 'black' => '0,0,0', 'blanchedalmond' => '255,235,205', 'blue' => '0,0,255', 'blueviolet' => '138,43,226', 'brown' => '165,42,42', 'burlywood' => '222,184,135', 'cadetblue' => '95,158,160', 'chartreuse' => '127,255,0', 'chocolate' => '210,105,30', 'coral' => '255,127,80', 'cornflowerblue' => '100,149,237', 'cornsilk' => '255,248,220', 'crimson' => '220,20,60', 'cyan' => '0,255,255', 'darkblue' => '0,0,139', 'darkcyan' => '0,139,139', 'darkgoldenrod' => '184,134,11', 'darkgray' => '169,169,169', 'darkgreen' => '0,100,0', 'darkgrey' => '169,169,169', 'darkkhaki' => '189,183,107', 'darkmagenta' => '139,0,139', 'darkolivegreen' => '85,107,47', 'darkorange' => '255,140,0', 'darkorchid' => '153,50,204', 'darkred' => '139,0,0', 'darksalmon' => '233,150,122', 'darkseagreen' => '143,188,143', 'darkslateblue' => '72,61,139', 'darkslategray' => '47,79,79', 'darkslategrey' => '47,79,79', 'darkturquoise' => '0,206,209', 'darkviolet' => '148,0,211', 'deeppink' => '255,20,147', 'deepskyblue' => '0,191,255', 'dimgray' => '105,105,105', 'dimgrey' => '105,105,105', 'dodgerblue' => '30,144,255', 'firebrick' => '178,34,34', 'floralwhite' => '255,250,240', 'forestgreen' => '34,139,34', 'fuchsia' => '255,0,255', 'gainsboro' => '220,220,220', 'ghostwhite' => '248,248,255', 'gold' => '255,215,0', 'goldenrod' => '218,165,32', 'gray' => '128,128,128', 'green' => '0,128,0', 'greenyellow' => '173,255,47', 'grey' => '128,128,128', 'honeydew' => '240,255,240', 'hotpink' => '255,105,180', 'indianred' => '205,92,92', 'indigo' => '75,0,130', 'ivory' => '255,255,240', 'khaki' => '240,230,140', 'lavender' => '230,230,250', 'lavenderblush' => '255,240,245', 'lawngreen' => '124,252,0', 'lemonchiffon' => '255,250,205', 'lightblue' => '173,216,230', 'lightcoral' => '240,128,128', 'lightcyan' => '224,255,255', 'lightgoldenrodyellow' => '250,250,210', 'lightgray' => '211,211,211', 'lightgreen' => '144,238,144', 'lightgrey' => '211,211,211', 'lightpink' => '255,182,193', 'lightsalmon' => '255,160,122', 'lightseagreen' => '32,178,170', 'lightskyblue' => '135,206,250', 'lightslategray' => '119,136,153', 'lightslategrey' => '119,136,153', 'lightsteelblue' => '176,196,222', 'lightyellow' => '255,255,224', 'lime' => '0,255,0', 'limegreen' => '50,205,50', 'linen' => '250,240,230', 'magenta' => '255,0,255', 'maroon' => '128,0,0', 'mediumaquamarine' => '102,205,170', 'mediumblue' => '0,0,205', 'mediumorchid' => '186,85,211', 'mediumpurple' => '147,112,219', 'mediumseagreen' => '60,179,113', 'mediumslateblue' => '123,104,238', 'mediumspringgreen' => '0,250,154', 'mediumturquoise' => '72,209,204', 'mediumvioletred' => '199,21,133', 'midnightblue' => '25,25,112', 'mintcream' => '245,255,250', 'mistyrose' => '255,228,225', 'moccasin' => '255,228,181', 'navajowhite' => '255,222,173', 'navy' => '0,0,128', 'oldlace' => '253,245,230', 'olive' => '128,128,0', 'olivedrab' => '107,142,35', 'orange' => '255,165,0', 'orangered' => '255,69,0', 'orchid' => '218,112,214', 'palegoldenrod' => '238,232,170', 'palegreen' => '152,251,152', 'paleturquoise' => '175,238,238', 'palevioletred' => '219,112,147', 'papayawhip' => '255,239,213', 'peachpuff' => '255,218,185', 'peru' => '205,133,63', 'pink' => '255,192,203', 'plum' => '221,160,221', 'powderblue' => '176,224,230', 'purple' => '128,0,128', 'red' => '255,0,0', 'rosybrown' => '188,143,143', 'royalblue' => '65,105,225', 'saddlebrown' => '139,69,19', 'salmon' => '250,128,114', 'sandybrown' => '244,164,96', 'seagreen' => '46,139,87', 'seashell' => '255,245,238', 'sienna' => '160,82,45', 'silver' => '192,192,192', 'skyblue' => '135,206,235', 'slateblue' => '106,90,205', 'slategray' => '112,128,144', 'slategrey' => '112,128,144', 'snow' => '255,250,250', 'springgreen' => '0,255,127', 'steelblue' => '70,130,180', 'tan' => '210,180,140', 'teal' => '0,128,128', 'thistle' => '216,191,216', 'tomato' => '255,99,71', 'transparent' => '0,0,0,0', 'turquoise' => '64,224,208', 'violet' => '238,130,238', 'wheat' => '245,222,179', 'white' => '255,255,255', 'whitesmoke' => '245,245,245', 'yellow' => '255,255,0', 'yellowgreen' => '154,205,50' ); } } // responsible for taking a string of LESS code and converting it into a // syntax tree if ( ! class_exists( 'lessc_parser' ) ) { // responsible for taking a string of LESS code and converting it into a // syntax tree class lessc_parser { static protected $nextBlockId = 0; // used to uniquely identify blocks static protected $precedence = array( '=<' => 0, '>=' => 0, '=' => 0, '<' => 0, '>' => 0, '+' => 1, '-' => 1, '*' => 2, '/' => 2, '%' => 2, ); static protected $whitePattern; static protected $commentMulti; static protected $commentSingle = "//"; static protected $commentMultiLeft = "/*"; static protected $commentMultiRight = "*/"; // regex string to match any of the operators static protected $operatorString; // these properties will supress division unless it's inside parenthases static protected $supressDivisionProps = array('/border-radius$/i', '/^font$/i'); protected $blockDirectives = array("font-face", "keyframes", "page", "-moz-document", "viewport", "-moz-viewport", "-o-viewport", "-ms-viewport"); protected $lineDirectives = array("charset"); /** * if we are in parens we can be more liberal with whitespace around * operators because it must evaluate to a single value and thus is less * ambiguous. * * Consider: * property1: 10 -5; // is two numbers, 10 and -5 * property2: (10 -5); // should evaluate to 5 */ protected $inParens = false; // caches preg escaped literals static protected $literalCache = array(); public function __construct($lessc, $sourceName = null) { $this->eatWhiteDefault = true; // reference to less needed for vPrefix, mPrefix, and parentSelector $this->lessc = $lessc; $this->sourceName = $sourceName; // name used for error messages $this->writeComments = false; if (!self::$operatorString) { self::$operatorString = '('.implode('|', array_map(array('lessc', 'preg_quote'), array_keys(self::$precedence))).')'; $commentSingle = lessc::preg_quote(self::$commentSingle); $commentMultiLeft = lessc::preg_quote(self::$commentMultiLeft); $commentMultiRight = lessc::preg_quote(self::$commentMultiRight); self::$commentMulti = $commentMultiLeft.'.*?'.$commentMultiRight; self::$whitePattern = '/'.$commentSingle.'[^\n]*\s*|('.self::$commentMulti.')\s*|\s+/Ais'; } } public function parse($buffer) { $this->count = 0; $this->line = 1; $this->env = null; // block stack $this->buffer = $this->writeComments ? $buffer : $this->removeComments($buffer); $this->pushSpecialBlock("root"); $this->eatWhiteDefault = true; $this->seenComments = array(); // trim whitespace on head // if (preg_match('/^\s+/', $this->buffer, $m)) { // $this->line += substr_count($m[0], "\n"); // $this->buffer = ltrim($this->buffer); // } $this->whitespace(); // parse the entire file $lastCount = $this->count; while (false !== $this->parseChunk()); if ($this->count != strlen($this->buffer)) $this->throwError(); // TODO report where the block was opened if (!is_null($this->env->parent)) throw new exception('parse error: unclosed block'); return $this->env; } /** * Parse a single chunk off the head of the buffer and append it to the * current parse environment. * Returns false when the buffer is empty, or when there is an error. * * This function is called repeatedly until the entire document is * parsed. * * This parser is most similar to a recursive descent parser. Single * functions represent discrete grammatical rules for the language, and * they are able to capture the text that represents those rules. * * Consider the function lessc::keyword(). (all parse functions are * structured the same) * * The function takes a single reference argument. When calling the * function it will attempt to match a keyword on the head of the buffer. * If it is successful, it will place the keyword in the referenced * argument, advance the position in the buffer, and return true. If it * fails then it won't advance the buffer and it will return false. * * All of these parse functions are powered by lessc::match(), which behaves * the same way, but takes a literal regular expression. Sometimes it is * more convenient to use match instead of creating a new function. * * Because of the format of the functions, to parse an entire string of * grammatical rules, you can chain them together using &&. * * But, if some of the rules in the chain succeed before one fails, then * the buffer position will be left at an invalid state. In order to * avoid this, lessc::seek() is used to remember and set buffer positions. * * Before parsing a chain, use $s = $this->seek() to remember the current * position into $s. Then if a chain fails, use $this->seek($s) to * go back where we started. */ protected function parseChunk() { if (empty($this->buffer)) return false; $s = $this->seek(); // setting a property if ($this->keyword($key) && $this->assign() && $this->propertyValue($value, $key) && $this->end()) { $this->append(array('assign', $key, $value), $s); return true; } else { $this->seek($s); } // look for special css blocks if ($this->literal('@', false)) { $this->count--; // media if ($this->literal('@media')) { if (($this->mediaQueryList($mediaQueries) || true) && $this->literal('{')) { $media = $this->pushSpecialBlock("media"); $media->queries = is_null($mediaQueries) ? array() : $mediaQueries; return true; } else { $this->seek($s); return false; } } if ($this->literal("@", false) && $this->keyword($dirName)) { if ($this->isDirective($dirName, $this->blockDirectives)) { if (($this->openString("{", $dirValue, null, array(";")) || true) && $this->literal("{")) { $dir = $this->pushSpecialBlock("directive"); $dir->name = $dirName; if (isset($dirValue)) $dir->value = $dirValue; return true; } } elseif ($this->isDirective($dirName, $this->lineDirectives)) { if ($this->propertyValue($dirValue) && $this->end()) { $this->append(array("directive", $dirName, $dirValue)); return true; } } } $this->seek($s); } // setting a variable if ($this->variable($var) && $this->assign() && $this->propertyValue($value) && $this->end()) { $this->append(array('assign', $var, $value), $s); return true; } else { $this->seek($s); } if ($this->import($importValue)) { $this->append($importValue, $s); return true; } // opening parametric mixin if ($this->tag($tag, true) && $this->argumentDef($args, $isVararg) && ($this->guards($guards) || true) && $this->literal('{')) { $block = $this->pushBlock($this->fixTags(array($tag))); $block->args = $args; $block->isVararg = $isVararg; if (!empty($guards)) $block->guards = $guards; return true; } else { $this->seek($s); } // opening a simple block if ($this->tags($tags) && $this->literal('{')) { $tags = $this->fixTags($tags); $this->pushBlock($tags); return true; } else { $this->seek($s); } // closing a block if ($this->literal('}', false)) { try { $block = $this->pop(); } catch (exception $e) { $this->seek($s); $this->throwError($e->getMessage()); } $hidden = false; if (is_null($block->type)) { $hidden = true; if (!isset($block->args)) { foreach ($block->tags as $tag) { if (!is_string($tag) || $tag{0} != $this->lessc->mPrefix) { $hidden = false; break; } } } foreach ($block->tags as $tag) { if (is_string($tag)) { $this->env->children[$tag][] = $block; } } } if (!$hidden) { $this->append(array('block', $block), $s); } // this is done here so comments aren't bundled into he block that // was just closed $this->whitespace(); return true; } // mixin if ($this->mixinTags($tags) && ($this->argumentDef($argv, $isVararg) || true) && ($this->keyword($suffix) || true) && $this->end()) { $tags = $this->fixTags($tags); $this->append(array('mixin', $tags, $argv, $suffix), $s); return true; } else { $this->seek($s); } // spare ; if ($this->literal(';')) return true; return false; // got nothing, throw error } protected function isDirective($dirname, $directives) { // TODO: cache pattern in parser $pattern = implode("|", array_map(array("lessc", "preg_quote"), $directives)); $pattern = '/^(-[a-z-]+-)?(' . $pattern . ')$/i'; return preg_match($pattern, $dirname); } protected function fixTags($tags) { // move @ tags out of variable namespace foreach ($tags as &$tag) { if ($tag{0} == $this->lessc->vPrefix) $tag[0] = $this->lessc->mPrefix; } return $tags; } // a list of expressions protected function expressionList(&$exps) { $values = array(); while ($this->expression($exp)) { $values[] = $exp; } if (count($values) == 0) return false; $exps = lessc::compressList($values, ' '); return true; } /** * Attempt to consume an expression. * @link */ protected function expression(&$out) { if ($this->value($lhs)) { $out = $this->expHelper($lhs, 0); // look for / shorthand if (!empty($this->env->supressedDivision)) { unset($this->env->supressedDivision); $s = $this->seek(); if ($this->literal("/") && $this->value($rhs)) { $out = array("list", "", array($out, array("keyword", "/"), $rhs)); } else { $this->seek($s); } } return true; } return false; } /** * recursively parse infix equation with $lhs at precedence $minP */ protected function expHelper($lhs, $minP) { $this->inExp = true; $ss = $this->seek(); while (true) { $whiteBefore = isset($this->buffer[$this->count - 1]) && ctype_space($this->buffer[$this->count - 1]); // If there is whitespace before the operator, then we require // whitespace after the operator for it to be an expression $needWhite = $whiteBefore && !$this->inParens; if ($this->match(self::$operatorString.($needWhite ? '\s' : ''), $m) && self::$precedence[$m[1]] >= $minP) { if (!$this->inParens && isset($this->env->currentProperty) && $m[1] == "/" && empty($this->env->supressedDivision)) { foreach (self::$supressDivisionProps as $pattern) { if (preg_match($pattern, $this->env->currentProperty)) { $this->env->supressedDivision = true; break 2; } } } $whiteAfter = isset($this->buffer[$this->count - 1]) && ctype_space($this->buffer[$this->count - 1]); if (!$this->value($rhs)) break; // peek for next operator to see what to do with rhs if ($this->peek(self::$operatorString, $next) && self::$precedence[$next[1]] > self::$precedence[$m[1]]) { $rhs = $this->expHelper($rhs, self::$precedence[$next[1]]); } $lhs = array('expression', $m[1], $lhs, $rhs, $whiteBefore, $whiteAfter); $ss = $this->seek(); continue; } break; } $this->seek($ss); return $lhs; } // consume a list of values for a property public function propertyValue(&$value, $keyName = null) { $values = array(); if ($keyName !== null) $this->env->currentProperty = $keyName; $s = null; while ($this->expressionList($v)) { $values[] = $v; $s = $this->seek(); if (!$this->literal(',')) break; } if ($s) $this->seek($s); if ($keyName !== null) unset($this->env->currentProperty); if (count($values) == 0) return false; $value = lessc::compressList($values, ', '); return true; } protected function parenValue(&$out) { $s = $this->seek(); // speed shortcut if (isset($this->buffer[$this->count]) && $this->buffer[$this->count] != "(") { return false; } $inParens = $this->inParens; if ($this->literal("(") && ($this->inParens = true) && $this->expression($exp) && $this->literal(")")) { $out = $exp; $this->inParens = $inParens; return true; } else { $this->inParens = $inParens; $this->seek($s); } return false; } // a single value protected function value(&$value) { $s = $this->seek(); // speed shortcut if (isset($this->buffer[$this->count]) && $this->buffer[$this->count] == "-") { // negation if ($this->literal("-", false) && (($this->variable($inner) && $inner = array("variable", $inner)) || $this->unit($inner) || $this->parenValue($inner))) { $value = array("unary", "-", $inner); return true; } else { $this->seek($s); } } if ($this->parenValue($value)) return true; if ($this->unit($value)) return true; if ($this->color($value)) return true; if ($this->func($value)) return true; if ($this->_string($value)) return true; if ($this->keyword($word)) { $value = array('keyword', $word); return true; } // try a variable if ($this->variable($var)) { $value = array('variable', $var); return true; } // unquote string (should this work on any type? if ($this->literal("~") && $this->_string($str)) { $value = array("escape", $str); return true; } else { $this->seek($s); } // css hack: \0 if ($this->literal('\\') && $this->match('([0-9]+)', $m)) { $value = array('keyword', '\\'.$m[1]); return true; } else { $this->seek($s); } return false; } // an import statement protected function import(&$out) { $s = $this->seek(); if (!$this->literal('@import')) return false; // @import "something.css" media; // @import url("something.css") media; // @import url(something.css) media; if ($this->propertyValue($value)) { $out = array("import", $value); return true; } } protected function mediaQueryList(&$out) { if ($this->genericList($list, "mediaQuery", ",", false)) { $out = $list[2]; return true; } return false; } protected function mediaQuery(&$out) { $s = $this->seek(); $expressions = null; $parts = array(); if (($this->literal("only") && ($only = true) || $this->literal("not") && ($not = true) || true) && $this->keyword($mediaType)) { $prop = array("mediaType"); if (isset($only)) $prop[] = "only"; if (isset($not)) $prop[] = "not"; $prop[] = $mediaType; $parts[] = $prop; } else { $this->seek($s); } if (!empty($mediaType) && !$this->literal("and")) { // ~ } else { $this->genericList($expressions, "mediaExpression", "and", false); if (is_array($expressions)) $parts = array_merge($parts, $expressions[2]); } if (count($parts) == 0) { $this->seek($s); return false; } $out = $parts; return true; } protected function mediaExpression(&$out) { $s = $this->seek(); $value = null; if ($this->literal("(") && $this->keyword($feature) && ($this->literal(":") && $this->expression($value) || true) && $this->literal(")")) { $out = array("mediaExp", $feature); if ($value) $out[] = $value; return true; } elseif ($this->variable($variable)) { $out = array('variable', $variable); return true; } $this->seek($s); return false; } // an unbounded string stopped by $end protected function openString($end, &$out, $nestingOpen=null, $rejectStrs = null) { $oldWhite = $this->eatWhiteDefault; $this->eatWhiteDefault = false; $stop = array("'", '"', "@{", $end); $stop = array_map(array("lessc", "preg_quote"), $stop); // $stop[] = self::$commentMulti; if (!is_null($rejectStrs)) { $stop = array_merge($stop, $rejectStrs); } $patt = '(.*?)('.implode("|", $stop).')'; $nestingLevel = 0; $content = array(); while ($this->match($patt, $m, false)) { if (!empty($m[1])) { $content[] = $m[1]; if ($nestingOpen) { $nestingLevel += substr_count($m[1], $nestingOpen); } } $tok = $m[2]; $this->count-= strlen($tok); if ($tok == $end) { if ($nestingLevel == 0) { break; } else { $nestingLevel--; } } if (($tok == "'" || $tok == '"') && $this->_string($str)) { $content[] = $str; continue; } if ($tok == "@{" && $this->interpolation($inter)) { $content[] = $inter; continue; } if (!empty($rejectStrs) && in_array($tok, $rejectStrs)) { break; } $content[] = $tok; $this->count+= strlen($tok); } $this->eatWhiteDefault = $oldWhite; if (count($content) == 0) return false; // trim the end if (is_string(end($content))) { $content[count($content) - 1] = rtrim(end($content)); } $out = array("string", "", $content); return true; } protected function _string(&$out) { $s = $this->seek(); if ($this->literal('"', false)) { $delim = '"'; } elseif ($this->literal("'", false)) { $delim = "'"; } else { return false; } $content = array(); // look for either ending delim , escape, or string interpolation $patt = '([^\n]*?)(@\{|\\\\|' . lessc::preg_quote($delim).')'; $oldWhite = $this->eatWhiteDefault; $this->eatWhiteDefault = false; while ($this->match($patt, $m, false)) { $content[] = $m[1]; if ($m[2] == "@{") { $this->count -= strlen($m[2]); if ($this->interpolation($inter, false)) { $content[] = $inter; } else { $this->count += strlen($m[2]); $content[] = "@{"; // ignore it } } elseif ($m[2] == '\\') { $content[] = $m[2]; if ($this->literal($delim, false)) { $content[] = $delim; } } else { $this->count -= strlen($delim); break; // delim } } $this->eatWhiteDefault = $oldWhite; if ($this->literal($delim)) { $out = array("string", $delim, $content); return true; } $this->seek($s); return false; } protected function interpolation(&$out) { $oldWhite = $this->eatWhiteDefault; $this->eatWhiteDefault = true; $s = $this->seek(); if ($this->literal("@{") && $this->openString("}", $interp, null, array("'", '"', ";")) && $this->literal("}", false)) { $out = array("interpolate", $interp); $this->eatWhiteDefault = $oldWhite; if ($this->eatWhiteDefault) $this->whitespace(); return true; } $this->eatWhiteDefault = $oldWhite; $this->seek($s); return false; } protected function unit(&$unit) { // speed shortcut if (isset($this->buffer[$this->count])) { $char = $this->buffer[$this->count]; if (!ctype_digit($char) && $char != ".") return false; } if ($this->match('([0-9]+(?:\.[0-9]*)?|\.[0-9]+)([%a-zA-Z]+)?', $m)) { $unit = array("number", $m[1], empty($m[2]) ? "" : $m[2]); return true; } return false; } // a # color protected function color(&$out) { if ($this->match('(#(?:[0-9a-f]{8}|[0-9a-f]{6}|[0-9a-f]{3}))', $m)) { if (strlen($m[1]) > 7) { $out = array("string", "", array($m[1])); } else { $out = array("raw_color", $m[1]); } return true; } return false; } // consume an argument definition list surrounded by () // each argument is a variable name with optional value // or at the end a ... or a variable named followed by ... // arguments are separated by , unless a ; is in the list, then ; is the // delimiter. protected function argumentDef(&$args, &$isVararg) { $s = $this->seek(); if (!$this->literal('(')) return false; $values = array(); $delim = ","; $method = "expressionList"; $isVararg = false; while (true) { if ($this->literal("...")) { $isVararg = true; break; } if ($this->$method($value)) { if ($value[0] == "variable") { $arg = array("arg", $value[1]); $ss = $this->seek(); if ($this->assign() && $this->$method($rhs)) { $arg[] = $rhs; } else { $this->seek($ss); if ($this->literal("...")) { $arg[0] = "rest"; $isVararg = true; } } $values[] = $arg; if ($isVararg) break; continue; } else { $values[] = array("lit", $value); } } if (!$this->literal($delim)) { if ($delim == "," && $this->literal(";")) { // found new delim, convert existing args $delim = ";"; $method = "propertyValue"; // transform arg list if (isset($values[1])) { // 2 items $newList = array(); foreach ($values as $i => $arg) { switch($arg[0]) { case "arg": if ($i) { $this->throwError("Cannot mix ; and , as delimiter types"); } $newList[] = $arg[2]; break; case "lit": $newList[] = $arg[1]; break; case "rest": $this->throwError("Unexpected rest before semicolon"); } } $newList = array("list", ", ", $newList); switch ($values[0][0]) { case "arg": $newArg = array("arg", $values[0][1], $newList); break; case "lit": $newArg = array("lit", $newList); break; } } elseif ($values) { // 1 item $newArg = $values[0]; } if ($newArg) { $values = array($newArg); } } else { break; } } } if (!$this->literal(')')) { $this->seek($s); return false; } $args = $values; return true; } // consume a list of tags // this accepts a hanging delimiter protected function tags(&$tags, $simple = false, $delim = ',') { $tags = array(); while ($this->tag($tt, $simple)) { $tags[] = $tt; if (!$this->literal($delim)) break; } if (count($tags) == 0) return false; return true; } // list of tags of specifying mixin path // optionally separated by > (lazy, accepts extra >) protected function mixinTags(&$tags) { $s = $this->seek(); $tags = array(); while ($this->tag($tt, true)) { $tags[] = $tt; $this->literal(">"); } if (count($tags) == 0) return false; return true; } // a bracketed value (contained within in a tag definition) protected function tagBracket(&$parts, &$hasExpression) { // speed shortcut if (isset($this->buffer[$this->count]) && $this->buffer[$this->count] != "[") { return false; } $s = $this->seek(); $hasInterpolation = false; if ($this->literal("[", false)) { $attrParts = array("["); // keyword, string, operator while (true) { if ($this->literal("]", false)) { $this->count--; break; // get out early } if ($this->match('\s+', $m)) { $attrParts[] = " "; continue; } if ($this->_string($str)) { // escape parent selector, (yuck) foreach ($str[2] as &$chunk) { $chunk = str_replace($this->lessc->parentSelector, "$&$", $chunk); } $attrParts[] = $str; $hasInterpolation = true; continue; } if ($this->keyword($word)) { $attrParts[] = $word; continue; } if ($this->interpolation($inter, false)) { $attrParts[] = $inter; $hasInterpolation = true; continue; } // operator, handles attr namespace too if ($this->match('[|-~\$\*\^=]+', $m)) { $attrParts[] = $m[0]; continue; } break; } if ($this->literal("]", false)) { $attrParts[] = "]"; foreach ($attrParts as $part) { $parts[] = $part; } $hasExpression = $hasExpression || $hasInterpolation; return true; } $this->seek($s); } $this->seek($s); return false; } // a space separated list of selectors protected function tag(&$tag, $simple = false) { if ($simple) $chars = '^@,:;{}\][>\(\) "\''; else $chars = '^@,;{}["\''; $s = $this->seek(); $hasExpression = false; $parts = array(); while ($this->tagBracket($parts, $hasExpression)); $oldWhite = $this->eatWhiteDefault; $this->eatWhiteDefault = false; while (true) { if ($this->match('(['.$chars.'0-9]['.$chars.']*)', $m)) { $parts[] = $m[1]; if ($simple) break; while ($this->tagBracket($parts, $hasExpression)); continue; } if (isset($this->buffer[$this->count]) && $this->buffer[$this->count] == "@") { if ($this->interpolation($interp)) { $hasExpression = true; $interp[2] = true; // don't unescape $parts[] = $interp; continue; } if ($this->literal("@")) { $parts[] = "@"; continue; } } if ($this->unit($unit)) { // for keyframes $parts[] = $unit[1]; $parts[] = $unit[2]; continue; } break; } $this->eatWhiteDefault = $oldWhite; if (!$parts) { $this->seek($s); return false; } if ($hasExpression) { $tag = array("exp", array("string", "", $parts)); } else { $tag = trim(implode($parts)); } $this->whitespace(); return true; } // a css function protected function func(&$func) { $s = $this->seek(); if ($this->match('(%|[\w\-_][\w\-_:\.]+|[\w_])', $m) && $this->literal('(')) { $fname = $m[1]; $sPreArgs = $this->seek(); $args = array(); while (true) { $ss = $this->seek(); // this ugly nonsense is for ie filter properties if ($this->keyword($name) && $this->literal('=') && $this->expressionList($value)) { $args[] = array("string", "", array($name, "=", $value)); } else { $this->seek($ss); if ($this->expressionList($value)) { $args[] = $value; } } if (!$this->literal(',')) break; } $args = array('list', ',', $args); if ($this->literal(')')) { $func = array('function', $fname, $args); return true; } elseif ($fname == 'url') { // couldn't parse and in url? treat as string $this->seek($sPreArgs); if ($this->openString(")", $string) && $this->literal(")")) { $func = array('function', $fname, $string); return true; } } } $this->seek($s); return false; } // consume a less variable protected function variable(&$name) { $s = $this->seek(); if ($this->literal($this->lessc->vPrefix, false) && ($this->variable($sub) || $this->keyword($name))) { if (!empty($sub)) { $name = array('variable', $sub); } else { $name = $this->lessc->vPrefix.$name; } return true; } $name = null; $this->seek($s); return false; } /** * Consume an assignment operator * Can optionally take a name that will be set to the current property name */ protected function assign($name = null) { if ($name) $this->currentProperty = $name; return $this->literal(':') || $this->literal('='); } // consume a keyword protected function keyword(&$word) { if ($this->match('([\w_\-\*!"][\w\-_"]*)', $m)) { $word = $m[1]; return true; } return false; } // consume an end of statement delimiter protected function end() { if ($this->literal(';')) { return true; } elseif ($this->count == strlen($this->buffer) || $this->buffer[$this->count] == '}') { // if there is end of file or a closing block next then we don't need a ; return true; } return false; } protected function guards(&$guards) { $s = $this->seek(); if (!$this->literal("when")) { $this->seek($s); return false; } $guards = array(); while ($this->guardGroup($g)) { $guards[] = $g; if (!$this->literal(",")) break; } if (count($guards) == 0) { $guards = null; $this->seek($s); return false; } return true; } // a bunch of guards that are and'd together // TODO rename to guardGroup protected function guardGroup(&$guardGroup) { $s = $this->seek(); $guardGroup = array(); while ($this->guard($guard)) { $guardGroup[] = $guard; if (!$this->literal("and")) break; } if (count($guardGroup) == 0) { $guardGroup = null; $this->seek($s); return false; } return true; } protected function guard(&$guard) { $s = $this->seek(); $negate = $this->literal("not"); if ($this->literal("(") && $this->expression($exp) && $this->literal(")")) { $guard = $exp; if ($negate) $guard = array("negate", $guard); return true; } $this->seek($s); return false; } /* raw parsing functions */ protected function literal($what, $eatWhitespace = null) { if ($eatWhitespace === null) $eatWhitespace = $this->eatWhiteDefault; // shortcut on single letter if (!isset($what[1]) && isset($this->buffer[$this->count])) { if ($this->buffer[$this->count] == $what) { if (!$eatWhitespace) { $this->count++; return true; } // goes below... } else { return false; } } if (!isset(self::$literalCache[$what])) { self::$literalCache[$what] = lessc::preg_quote($what); } return $this->match(self::$literalCache[$what], $m, $eatWhitespace); } protected function genericList(&$out, $parseItem, $delim="", $flatten=true) { $s = $this->seek(); $items = array(); while ($this->$parseItem($value)) { $items[] = $value; if ($delim) { if (!$this->literal($delim)) break; } } if (count($items) == 0) { $this->seek($s); return false; } if ($flatten && count($items) == 1) { $out = $items[0]; } else { $out = array("list", $delim, $items); } return true; } // advance counter to next occurrence of $what // $until - don't include $what in advance // $allowNewline, if string, will be used as valid char set protected function to($what, &$out, $until = false, $allowNewline = false) { if (is_string($allowNewline)) { $validChars = $allowNewline; } else { $validChars = $allowNewline ? "." : "[^\n]"; } if (!$this->match('('.$validChars.'*?)'.lessc::preg_quote($what), $m, !$until)) return false; if ($until) $this->count -= strlen($what); // give back $what $out = $m[1]; return true; } // try to match something on head of buffer protected function match($regex, &$out, $eatWhitespace = null) { if ($eatWhitespace === null) $eatWhitespace = $this->eatWhiteDefault; $r = '/'.$regex.($eatWhitespace && !$this->writeComments ? '\s*' : '').'/Ais'; if (preg_match($r, $this->buffer, $out, null, $this->count)) { $this->count += strlen($out[0]); if ($eatWhitespace && $this->writeComments) $this->whitespace(); return true; } return false; } // match some whitespace protected function whitespace() { if ($this->writeComments) { $gotWhite = false; while (preg_match(self::$whitePattern, $this->buffer, $m, null, $this->count)) { if (isset($m[1]) && empty($this->commentsSeen[$this->count])) { $this->append(array("comment", $m[1])); $this->commentsSeen[$this->count] = true; } $this->count += strlen($m[0]); $gotWhite = true; } return $gotWhite; } else { $this->match("", $m); return strlen($m[0]) > 0; } } // match something without consuming it protected function peek($regex, &$out = null, $from=null) { if (is_null($from)) $from = $this->count; $r = '/'.$regex.'/Ais'; $result = preg_match($r, $this->buffer, $out, null, $from); return $result; } // seek to a spot in the buffer or return where we are on no argument protected function seek($where = null) { if ($where === null) return $this->count; else $this->count = $where; return true; } /* misc functions */ public function throwError($msg = "parse error", $count = null) { $count = is_null($count) ? $this->count : $count; $line = $this->line + substr_count(substr($this->buffer, 0, $count), "\n"); if (!empty($this->sourceName)) { $loc = "$this->sourceName on line $line"; } else { $loc = "line: $line"; } // TODO this depends on $this->count if ($this->peek("(.*?)(\n|$)", $m, $count)) { throw new exception("$msg: failed at `$m[1]` $loc"); } else { throw new exception("$msg: $loc"); } } protected function pushBlock($selectors=null, $type=null) { $b = new stdclass; $b->parent = $this->env; $b->type = $type; $b->id = self::$nextBlockId++; $b->isVararg = false; // TODO: kill me from here $b->tags = $selectors; $b->props = array(); $b->children = array(); $this->env = $b; return $b; } // push a block that doesn't multiply tags protected function pushSpecialBlock($type) { return $this->pushBlock(null, $type); } // append a property to the current block protected function append($prop, $pos = null) { if ($pos !== null) $prop[-1] = $pos; $this->env->props[] = $prop; } // pop something off the stack protected function pop() { $old = $this->env; $this->env = $this->env->parent; return $old; } // remove comments from $text // todo: make it work for all functions, not just url protected function removeComments($text) { $look = array( 'url(', '//', '/*', '"', "'" ); $out = ''; $min = null; while (true) { // find the next item foreach ($look as $token) { $pos = strpos($text, $token); if ($pos !== false) { if (!isset($min) || $pos < $min[1]) $min = array($token, $pos); } } if (is_null($min)) break; $count = $min[1]; $skip = 0; $newlines = 0; switch ($min[0]) { case 'url(': if (preg_match('/url\(.*?\)/', $text, $m, 0, $count)) $count += strlen($m[0]) - strlen($min[0]); break; case '"': case "'": if (preg_match('/'.$min[0].'.*?(?indentLevel = 0; } public function indentStr($n = 0) { return str_repeat($this->indentChar, max($this->indentLevel + $n, 0)); } public function property($name, $value) { return $name . $this->assignSeparator . $value . ";"; } protected function isEmpty($block) { if (empty($block->lines)) { foreach ($block->children as $child) { if (!$this->isEmpty($child)) return false; } return true; } return false; } public function block($block) { if ($this->isEmpty($block)) return; $inner = $pre = $this->indentStr(); $isSingle = !$this->disableSingle && is_null($block->type) && count($block->lines) == 1; if (!empty($block->selectors)) { $this->indentLevel++; if ($this->breakSelectors) { $selectorSeparator = $this->selectorSeparator . $this->break . $pre; } else { $selectorSeparator = $this->selectorSeparator; } echo $pre . implode($selectorSeparator, $block->selectors); if ($isSingle) { echo $this->openSingle; $inner = ""; } else { echo $this->open . $this->break; $inner = $this->indentStr(); } } if (!empty($block->lines)) { $glue = $this->break.$inner; echo $inner . implode($glue, $block->lines); if (!$isSingle && !empty($block->children)) { echo $this->break; } } foreach ($block->children as $child) { $this->block($child); } if (!empty($block->selectors)) { if (!$isSingle && empty($block->children)) echo $this->break; if ($isSingle) { echo $this->closeSingle . $this->break; } else { echo $pre . $this->close . $this->break; } $this->indentLevel--; } } } } if ( ! class_exists( 'lessc_formatter_compressed' ) ) { class lessc_formatter_compressed extends lessc_formatter_classic { public $disableSingle = true; public $open = "{"; public $selectorSeparator = ","; public $assignSeparator = ":"; public $break = ""; public $compressColors = true; public function indentStr($n = 0) { return ""; } } } if ( ! class_exists( 'lessc_formatter_lessjs' ) ) { class lessc_formatter_lessjs extends lessc_formatter_classic { public $disableSingle = true; public $breakSelectors = true; public $assignSeparator = ": "; public $selectorSeparator = ","; } }