Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /var/www/html/ on line 757
Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /var/www/html/ on line 757
Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /var/www/html/ on line 758
Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /var/www/html/ on line 758
Notice: require(): read of 11633 bytes failed with errno=14 Bad address in /var/www/html/ on line 44
Notice: require(): read of 11633 bytes failed with errno=12 Cannot allocate memory in /var/www/html/ on line 44
). '';
$checkOtherPlugins = ''
. sprintf(__("Check out our other Plugins! Years of experience in WordPress plugins developers made that list unbreakable!", GMP_LANG_CODE), frameGmp::_()->getModule('options')->getTabUrl('featured-plugins'))
. '
$notices = array(
'rate_msg' => array('html' => $rateMsg, 'show_after' => 7 * $day),
'enb_promo_link_msg' => array('html' => $enbPromoLinkMsg, 'show_after' => 11 * $day),
'check_other_plugs_msg' => array('html' => $checkOtherPlugins, 'show_after' => 1 * $day),
// Wait for next week - when icons will be ready
if(!class_exists('frameUms')) {
$ultimateMapsInstallUrl = admin_url('plugin-install.php?tab=search&type=term&s=Ultimate+Maps+by+Supsystic');
$ultimateMapsMsg = ''.
sprintf(__("Tired from Google Maps and it's pricings? We developed Free Maps alternative for You - Ultimate Maps by Supsystic! Just try it in few clicks!", GMP_LANG_CODE), $ultimateMapsInstallUrl, $ultimateMapsInstallUrl)
. '
$notices['ultimate_maps_promo'] = array('html' => $ultimateMapsMsg, 'show_after' => 1 * $day);
foreach($notices as $nKey => $n) {
if($currTime - $startUsage <= $n['show_after']) {
unset($notices[ $nKey ]);
$done = (int) frameGmp::_()->getModule('options')->get('done_'. $nKey);
if($done) {
unset($notices[ $nKey ]);
$hide = (int) frameGmp::_()->getModule('options')->get('hide_'. $nKey);
if($hide) {
unset($notices[ $nKey ]);
$later = (int) frameGmp::_()->getModule('options')->get('later_'. $nKey);
if($later && ($currTime - $later) <= 2 * $day) { // remember each 2 days
unset($notices[ $nKey ]);
if($nKey == 'enb_promo_link_msg' && (int)frameGmp::_()->getModule('options')->get('add_love_link')) {
unset($notices[ $nKey ]);
} else {
frameGmp::_()->getModule('options')->getModel()->save('start_usage', $currTime);
if(!empty($notices)) {
if(isset($notices['rate_msg']) && isset($notices['enb_promo_link_msg']) && !empty($notices['enb_promo_link_msg'])) {
unset($notices['rate_msg']); // Show only one from those messages
$html = '';
foreach($notices as $nKey => $n) {
$this->getModel()->saveUsageStat($nKey. '.'. 'show', true);
$html .= ''. $n['html']. '
echo $html;
public function addAdminTab($tabs) {
$tabs['overview'] = array(
'label' => __('Overview', GMP_LANG_CODE), 'callback' => array($this, 'getOverviewTabContent'), 'fa_icon' => 'fa-info', 'sort_order' => 5,
$tabs['featured-plugins'] = array(
'label' => __('Featured Plugins', GMP_LANG_CODE), 'callback' => array($this, 'showFeaturedPluginsPage'), 'fa_icon' => 'fa-heart', 'sort_order' => 99,
return $tabs;
public function getOverviewTabContent() {
return $this->getView()->getOverviewTabContent();
// We used such methods - _encodeSlug() and _decodeSlug() - as in slug wp don't understand urlencode() functions
private function _encodeSlug($slug) {
return str_replace($this->_specSymbols['from'], $this->_specSymbols['to'], $slug);
private function _decodeSlug($slug) {
return str_replace($this->_specSymbols['to'], $this->_specSymbols['from'], $slug);
public function decodeSlug($slug) {
return $this->_decodeSlug($slug);
public function modifyMainAdminSlug($mainSlug) {
$firstTimeLookedToPlugin = !installerGmp::isUsed();
if($firstTimeLookedToPlugin) {
$mainSlug = $this->_getNewAdminMenuSlug($mainSlug);
return $mainSlug;
private function _getWelcomMessageMenuData($option, $modifySlug = true) {
return array_merge($option, array(
'page_title' => __('Welcome to Supsystic Secure', GMP_LANG_CODE),
'menu_slug' => ($modifySlug ? $this->_getNewAdminMenuSlug( $option['menu_slug'] ) : $option['menu_slug'] ),
'function' => array($this, 'showWelcomePage'),
public function addWelcomePageToMenus($options) {
$firstTimeLookedToPlugin = !installerGmp::isUsed();
if($firstTimeLookedToPlugin) {
foreach($options as $i => $opt) {
$options[$i] = $this->_getWelcomMessageMenuData( $options[$i] );
return $options;
private function _getNewAdminMenuSlug($menuSlug) {
// We can't use "&" symbol in slug - so we used "|" symbol
$newSlug = $this->_encodeSlug(str_replace('admin.php?page=', '', $menuSlug));
return 'welcome-to-'. frameGmp::_()->getModule('adminmenu')->getMainSlug(). '|return='. $newSlug;
public function addWelcomePageToMainMenu($option) {
$firstTimeLookedToPlugin = !installerGmp::isUsed();
if($firstTimeLookedToPlugin) {
$option = $this->_getWelcomMessageMenuData($option, false);
return $option;
public function showWelcomePage() {
public function displayAdminFooter() {
if(frameGmp::_()->isAdminPlugPage()) {
private function _preparePromoLink($link, $ref = '') {
$ref = 'user';
$link .= '?ref='. $ref;
return $link;
public function weLoveYou() {
if(!frameGmp::_()->getModule(implode('', array('l','ic','e','ns','e')))) {
* Public shell for private method
public function preparePromoLink($link, $ref = '') {
return $this->_preparePromoLink($link, $ref);
public function checkStatisticStatus(){
$canSend = (int) frameGmp::_()->getModule('options')->get('send_stats');
if($canSend) {
public function getMinStatSend() {
return $this->_minDataInStatToSend;
public function getMainLink() {
if(empty($this->_mainLink)) {
$affiliateQueryString = '';
$this->_mainLink = '' . $affiliateQueryString;
return $this->_mainLink ;
public function getContactFormFields() {
$fields = array(
'name' => array('label' => __('Name', GMP_LANG_CODE), 'valid' => 'notEmpty', 'html' => 'text'),
'email' => array('label' => __('Email', GMP_LANG_CODE), 'html' => 'email', 'valid' => array('notEmpty', 'email'), 'placeholder' => '', 'def' => get_bloginfo('admin_email')),
'website' => array('label' => __('Website', GMP_LANG_CODE), 'html' => 'text', 'placeholder' => '', 'def' => get_bloginfo('url')),
'subject' => array('label' => __('Subject', GMP_LANG_CODE), 'valid' => 'notEmpty', 'html' => 'text'),
'category' => array('label' => __('Topic', GMP_LANG_CODE), 'valid' => 'notEmpty', 'html' => 'selectbox', 'options' => array(
'plugins_options' => __('Plugin options', GMP_LANG_CODE),
'bug' => __('Report a bug', GMP_LANG_CODE),
'functionality_request' => __('Require a new functionality', GMP_LANG_CODE),
'other' => __('Other', GMP_LANG_CODE),
'message' => array('label' => __('Message', GMP_LANG_CODE), 'valid' => 'notEmpty', 'html' => 'textarea', 'placeholder' => __('Hello Supsystic Team!', GMP_LANG_CODE)),
foreach($fields as $k => $v) {
if(isset($fields[ $k ]['valid']) && !is_array($fields[ $k ]['valid']))
$fields[ $k ]['valid'] = array( $fields[ $k ]['valid'] );
return $fields;
public function isPro() {
return frameGmp::_()->getModule('add_map_options') ? true : false;
public function generateMainLink($params = '') {
$mainLink = $this->getMainLink();
if(!empty($params)) {
return $mainLink. (strpos($mainLink , '?') ? '&' : '?'). $params;
return $mainLink;
public function getLoveLink() {
$title = 'WordPress Google Maps Plugin';
return ''
. $title
. '';
public function checkSaveOpts($newValues) {
$loveLinkEnb = (int) frameGmp::_()->getModule('options')->get('add_love_link');
$loveLinkEnbNew = isset($newValues['opt_values']['add_love_link']) ? (int) $newValues['opt_values']['add_love_link'] : 0;
if($loveLinkEnb != $loveLinkEnbNew) {
$this->getModel()->saveUsageStat('love_link.'. ($loveLinkEnbNew ? 'enb' : 'dslb'));
public function checkWeLoveYou() {
if(frameGmp::_()->getModule('options')->get('add_love_link')) {
echo $this->getLoveLink();
public function addPromoMapTabs() {
$tabs = array();
$descirption['figures'] = 'With Figures Feature, you can create polygon, polyline and circle shapes on your map with an easy to use interface. Provide a Figure title and description, using text, photos, videos and links for the overlay.';
$descirption['heatmap'] = 'Heatmap is an extremely common map visualization type, especially prevalent in weather, travel, fitness and social areas. Use the points to display the relative density of the points on the map as a smoothly varying set of colours, depend on low and high density.';
if(!$this->isPro()) {
$tabs['gmpShapeTab'] = array(
'label' => __('Figures', GMP_LANG_CODE),
'content' => $this->getView()->getPromoTabContent('shapes&utm_campaign=googlemaps', 'Figures', $descirption['figures']),
'promo' => true,
$tabs['gmpHeatmapTab'] = array(
'label' => __('Heatmap', GMP_LANG_CODE),
'content' => $this->getView()->getPromoTabContent('heatmap&utm_campaign=googlemaps', 'Heatmap Layer', $descirption['heatmap']),
'promo' => true,
return $tabs;
public function showFeaturedPluginsPage() {
return $this->getView()->showFeaturedPluginsPage();
public function getDiscountMsg() {
&& frameGmp::_()->getModule('options')->getActiveTab() == 'license'
&& frameGmp::_()->getModule('license')
&& frameGmp::_()->getModule('license')->getModel()->isActive()
) {
$proPluginsList = array(
'ultimate-maps-by-supsystic-pro', 'newsletters-by-supsystic-pro', 'contact-form-by-supsystic-pro', 'live-chat-pro',
'digital-publications-supsystic-pro', 'coming-soon-supsystic-pro', 'price-table-supsystic-pro', 'tables-generator-pro',
'social-share-pro', 'popup-by-supsystic-pro', 'supsystic_slider_pro', 'supsystic-gallery-pro', 'google-maps-easy-pro',
$activePluginsList = get_option('active_plugins', array());
$activeProPluginsCount = 0;
foreach($activePluginsList as $actPl) {
foreach($proPluginsList as $proPl) {
if(strpos($actPl, $proPl) !== false) {
if($activeProPluginsCount === 1) {
$buyLink = $this->getDiscountBuyUrl();
public function getDiscountBuyUrl() {
$license = frameGmp::_()->getModule('license')->getModel()->getCredentials();
$license['key'] = md5($license['key']);
$license = urlencode(base64_encode(implode('|', $license)));
$plugin_code = 'google_maps_easy_pro';
return ''. $plugin_code. '&lic='. $license;