Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /var/www/html/ on line 757

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Deprecated: Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated in /var/www/html/ on line 758

Notice: require(): read of 10522 bytes failed with errno=14 Bad address in /var/www/html/ on line 44

Notice: require(): read of 10522 bytes failed with errno=14 Bad address in /var/www/html/ on line 44
} $paramsStr = implode(', ', $paramsArr); } $res = '
'. (isset($params['value']) ? $params['value'] . ' ' : '') . '
'; $res .= '
'; $params['attrs'] = 'id="toeSliderInput_'. $id. '"'; $res .= self::hidden($name, $params); $res .= ''; return $res; } static public function capcha() { return recapchaGmp::_()->getHtml(); } static public function textIncDec($name, $params = array('value' => '', 'attrs' => '', 'options' => array(), 'onclick' => '', 'id' => '')) { if(!isset($params['attrs'])) $params['attrs'] = ''; $textId = (isset($params['id']) && !empty($params['id'])) ? $params['id'] : 'toeTextIncDec_'. mt_rand(9, 9999); $params['attrs'] .= ' id="'. $textId. '"'; $textField = self::text($name, $params); $onClickInc = 'toeTextIncDec(\''. $textId. '\', 1); return false;'; $onClickDec = 'toeTextIncDec(\''. $textId. '\', -1); return false;'; if(isset($params['onclick']) && !empty($params['onclick'])) { $onClickInc = $params['onclick']. ' '. $onClickInc; $onClickDec = $params['onclick']. ' '. $onClickDec; } $textField .= '
' . '
'; return $textField; } static public function colorpicker($name, $params = array('value' => '')) { $params['value'] = isset($params['value']) ? $params['value'] : ''; $params['attrs'] = isset($params['attrs']) ? $params['attrs'] : ''; $nameToClass = self::nameToClassId($name); $textId = self::nameToClassId($name, $params); if(strpos($params['attrs'], 'id="') === false) { $textId .= '_'. mt_rand(9, 9999); $params['attrs'] .= 'id="'. $textId. '"'; } //$pickerId = $textId. '_picker'; $params['attrs'] .= ' data-default-color="'. $params['value']. '"'; $out = self::text($name, $params); //$out .= '
'; $out .= ''; return $out; } static public function fontsList($name, $params = array('value' => '')) { static $options = array(); if(empty($options)) { // Fill them only one time per loading foreach(fieldAdapterGmp::getFontsList() as $font) $options[ $font ] = $font; } $params['options'] = $options; return self::selectbox($name, $params); } static public function checkboxHiddenVal($name, $params = array('attrs' => '', 'value' => '', 'checked' => '')) { $params['attrs'] = isset($params['attrs']) ? $params['attrs'] : ''; $checkId = self::nameToClassId($name, $params); if(strpos($params['attrs'], 'id="') === false) { $checkId .= '_check'; } $hideId = self::nameToClassId($name, $params). '_text'; $paramsCheck = $paramsHidden = $params; if(strpos($params['attrs'], 'id="') === false) { $paramsCheck['attrs'] .= ' id="'. $checkId. '"'; } $paramsCheck['attrs'] .= ' data-hideid="'. $hideId. '"'; $paramsHidden['attrs'] = ' id="'. $hideId. '"'; $paramsCheck['value'] = isset($paramsCheck['value']) ? $paramsCheck['value'] : ''; $paramsCheck['checked'] = $paramsCheck['value'] ? '1' : '0'; $out = self::checkbox(self::nameToClassId($name), $paramsCheck); $out .= self::hidden($name, $paramsHidden); $out .= ''; return $out; } static public function slideInput($name, $params = array('attrs' => '', 'checked' => false, 'id' => '')) { $params = !isset($params) || empty($params) ? array() : $params; if(!isset($params['id'])) { $params['id'] = self::nameToClassId($name, $params); if(strpos($params['attrs'], 'id="') === false) { $params['id'] .= '_'. mt_rand(1, 99999); } } $params['checked'] = isset($params['checked']) ? (int) $params['checked'] : 0; $params['attrs'] = isset($params['attrs']) && !empty($params['attrs']) ? $params['attrs'] : ''; $params['attrs'] .= ' id="'. $params['id']. '"'; return ' '. __('ON'). ' '. __('OFF'). ' '; } static public function galleryBtn($name, $params = array()) { $galleryType = isset($params['galleryType']) ? $params['galleryType'] : 'all'; $buttonId = self::nameToClassId($name, $params); $params['value'] = isset($params['value']) ? $params['value'] : ''; $params['attrs'] = isset($params['attrs']) ? $params['attrs'] : ''; if(strpos($params['attrs'], 'id="') === false) { $buttonId .= '_'. mt_rand(1, 99999); $params['attrs'] .= ' id="'. $buttonId. '"'; } $inputId = $buttonId. '_input'; $out = self::hidden($name, array('value' => $params['value'], 'attrs' => 'id="'. $inputId. '"')); $onChange = isset($params['onChange']) ? $params['onChange'] : ''; $buttonParams = $params; $buttonParams['value'] = isset($params['btnVal']) ? $params['btnVal'] : sprintf(__('Select %s', GMP_LANG_CODE), strFirstUp($galleryType)); $out .= self::button($buttonParams); $out .= ''; return $out; } static public function imgGalleryBtn($name, $params = array()) { $params['galleryType'] = 'image'; return self::galleryBtn($name, $params); } static public function audioGalleryBtn($name, $params = array()) { $params['galleryType'] = 'audio'; return self::galleryBtn($name, $params); } static public function checkedOpt($arr, $key, $value = true) { if(!isset($arr[ $key ])) return false; return $value === true ? $arr[ $key ] : $arr[ $key ] == $value; } /*static public function radialProgress($progress, $attrs = array()) { frameGmp::_()->addStyle('radial-progress', GMP_CSS_PATH. 'radial-progress.css'); $attrs['class'] = isset($attrs['class']) ? $attrs['class'] : ''; return '
'; }*/ }
Notice: require(): read of 2287 bytes failed with errno=12 Cannot allocate memory in /var/www/html/ on line 44

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Notice: Trying to access array offset on value of type bool in /var/www/html/ on line 236

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Deprecated: Unparenthesized `a ? b : c ? d : e` is deprecated. Use either `(a ? b : c) ? d : e` or `a ? b : (c ? d : e)` in /var/www/html/ on line 151